Chapter 5. Twisted Mind

Start from the beginning

Jax nodded. But his gaze flickered over to her wounded hand. He pointed at it and Pallynne lifted her hand up.

"I suggest you stop helping me and do something nice for yourself for a change." He explained.

The Aether wolf hybrid sighed. Her large blue ears flopped over for the millionth time today.
"Yeah I suppose you're right." She answered.

Pallynne took out the tweezers again and carefully took out the bullet. She applied some cream to it and wrapped her hand up in the last roll of gauze she had purchased. Her hand felt at ease finally and she could probably get to sleep now.
The Aether wolf hybrid stood up and stretched. Her hamstrings were sore from running and her feet throbbed from being on them all day. Jax got up from laying on the hay and swung his legs over so he was sitting sideways on the 'bed'. He had a worried expression woven all through his face and his eyes held a caring look held inside.

"You look tired. I think you should get some rest." He suggested.

"I suppose you're right. I'm just having a hunch that this isn't the last time we'll see those two hunters."

Jax scoffed playfully. "Don't worry about it. I doubt that's actually true and they've given up on finding us by now. I mean, you saw how beat up Malik was-"

"Yeah and I saw how beat up you were Jax. If they find us, you could get even more injured or even worse. I-I just don't know what I'd do without you being here to watch my back. You're like a brother to me, and-" Pallynne didn't finish her sentence. She sighed and hung her head low. Her bangs went over her eyes but she ignored them.

Jax scooted a bit closer to her partner. He rubbed her back carefully and making sure not to hurt her spine.

"As I said before. Don't worry about it. Now get some sleep." He replied soothingly.

Pallynne lifted her head up. She smiled and sighed. The Aether wolf hybrid crawled over to her bed of hay and laid down. She shifted her position until she was comfortable and her eyelids started to get heavy. Only one worrying thought crossed her mind but soon faded away.

"Too bad. You would make a good hunter" Nightshade had said with a slight drip of disappointment soaking her tone. Pallynne didn't think of it before, but what if-

No no no! I can't betray Jax. She thought trying her best to stop herself. But she just couldn't let go of the thought. It was like a chain was dragging her into a lava pit and she struggled to escape. Or a single cloud snaking the pale blue sky and wouldn't leave until sundown.
Pallynne eventually closed her eyes and wrapped herself in a bundle of darkness.


Muffled screaming, shaking, pounding, hay rustling. It was the sounds Pallynne awoke to. She sat up suddenly and her eyelids flew open in shock. Morning sunlight poured into the barn flooding the area. Her eyes scanned the area and her thriving pumping heart skipped a beat when they caught on something. A lump caught in her throat and her eyes widened even more in shock and fear.
Jax had his arms tied behind his back, a cloth covering his mouth ever so tightly, and holding him still, was the horror-some, black and red streaked, pale skinned, red vested Poppy Crimson! She had a vicious smirk written all over her face and in one of her white gloved hands was a pistol. It was aimed right at Jax's head and he kicked and screamed through the cloth trying to let go. His bandage that was wrapped around his shoulder was torn and the wound was bleeding code once again. Small and large burn marks splattered his body and his cape was torn in half and on the hay-speckled floor.

(The Hunted Contest Entry for iVesper) I Used to be The HuntedWhere stories live. Discover now