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StormClan lives behind a glorious thin water and mist waterfall. The continuous pouring water usually  keeps large predators out of the camp, creating a safer environment inside the grassy cave inlet. The entrance to the camp is a thin windy line of stone that wraps just to the side of the thin waterfall before opening into a sandy pit of small pebbles. The water from the pool of the waterfall comes right up to the sand banks of camp, making easy access to fresh water. Past the sands is lush, green grass stretching to the very crevices of the cave inlet. The light inside camp is plentiful due to the cracks in the rock roofing of the camp, but rainwater has trouble getting into the camp due to the plumbing system StormClan have figured out to use by making a rock dam above the cracks in the roof rocks so the rainwater is directed to the waterfall instead of pouring straight into camp. Inside the very middle of camp is their prey pile, usually consisting of squirrels, pigeons, crow, mice and voles. To the right of the prey pile is a washed up rotting log, hollowed out and filled with fresh moss for the elders. Next to the elders den is a large crack in the cave with brambles and bracken extended from the wall of stone to create a large warrior den. And to the right of the Warriors den is a bunch of bushes outlining the moss and fends slept on by the Apprentices. Straight ahead from the prey pile is the Medicine Cats Den. The den consists of two thick and tall rocks leaning against the inside of the cave, providing shelter and privacy for the sick and injured. Next to the Medicine Cat's Den is the nursery, which is a large crack in the stone wall that opens up to a bigger den. The entrance is narrow and covered in bramble to keep predators out in case of intrusion of the camp. Across from the Nursery is the Leaders Den, which is a crack in the cave above a crag, known as the High Stone. Small red pebbled-steps lead up to the den.
The hunting grounds of StormClan is lush, plentiful greens with tall thick oak, evergreen and maple trees. There is a lot of undergrowth in StormClan's territory, making them excellent at hiding from their prey. They have many streams running through their territory, one of them connecting the center pond to the waterfall. Their right border is RockClan, who shares the rocky clift that they live on. The clift stretches for miles, and a small waterfall separates the clans and splits the territories. The left border is SunClan, a clan that lives on acreage of flat green lands with small bits of long grass. When the sun sets, it seems to set the grass on fire by seeming to tint it a golden yellow.
RainClan lives in the territory across from StormClan. They have a very lush, and wet green forest with tons of little streams weaving among their woods. The Gathering Place is in the center of all of the Clans. Four large trees stand together, one in each territory. They encircle a peaceful pond which reflects the moon, and the cats gather beneath the trees and around the pond once a month at moon high in order to keep peace with the clans.
Another memorable place is the Moonstone. This is where the medicine cats of all four clans travel too once a month and it is out of any clans territory. The journey is quite long but can be accomplished in one night if hurried. The Moonpath is a large, multi-colored long sheet of crystals standing about 5 feet high and outlining a path that ends in a small pool of water that reflects the moon. The cats rest near the pool and bow their heads to enter StarClan.

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