Teeth Problem

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Niall: (chewed on Liam's charger and he hid it in his drawer) ahh! My teeth there killing me

Louis: (walks in the room) come on Ni we will give you that medicine

Niall: (walks into the kitchen while Louis gave him the medicine)

(After he was finished Liam was in the living throwing the couch cushions and pillows everywhere)

Liam: where is it? Where is it?

Louis: Li what are you looking for and you do realize you have to clean up this living room

Liam: I know and I can't find my charger my phone died

Niall: oh I was borrowing it because I lost mine I'm sorry I will go get yours

Liam: Niall James I'm sorry you lost yours but please ask next time understand

Niall: yes sir

Liam: good boy (pats his back)

Niall: (runs up into his room and grabs his charger, he lied to Liam but he doesn't want to have a hard time sitting down) here you go

Liam: thanks Ni (grabs the charger and looks at strange)

Louis: is something wrong

Liam: this isn't my charger

Louis: wait how do you know

Liam: mine doesn't have scratches on it or a paint spot on it

Niall: (sneaks upstairs, Louis sees him grabs his arm back downstairs)

Liam: (turns him around and landed hard smacks)

Niall: (turns back around with his face scrunched up)

Liam: now where's my charger

Niall: you have it Li

Liam: don't you lie to me boy or Zayn will use a switch on your bottom, now where is it

Niall: idk

Liam: Zayn!

Zayn: (comes downstairs) yes

Liam: can you use a switch on Niall's bottom?

Zayn: I'm not handling him that way

and what did he do

Liam: he lied to me about this charger this isn't mine

Zayn: (sternly) Niall look at me, (kneels down to him) please please tell Liam the truth about the charger I really hate using the switch or strap on you and Harry so tell Liam the truth

Niall: ok I chewed on it I'm sorry Li and his it In my drawer

Liam: Niall!

Niall: I'm sorry (starts crying)

Zayn: shh your alright (hugs him) just go upstairs in Liam's room ok

Niall: (unhugs him) ok (walks in Liam's room)

Liam: wow Zayn... That was nice

Zayn: well I'm trying to show I love them

Liam: well I'm proud of you

Zayn: thanks do you want me to deal with him or you

Liam: I'll deal with him because its my charger (runs upstairs in his room to deal with Niall) Niall you know what you did wrong hide things and lying about your lucky Zayn's being nicer to you and Harry or he will have used a switch on you. Now bend over

Niall: I'm sorry

Liam: I know you are

Niall: (bends over the bed)

Liam: (pulls both his pants and boxers downs and starts landing smacks, he already got to ten and Liam decided to use a spoon on him that he got from the kitchen) no more hiding things understand

Niall: yes sir... Oww

Liam: you have four more count for me


Niall: one...


Niall: oww... Two


Niall: three... Li please

Liam: two more


Niall: two... Last one please hurry up

(The last one landed on his sit spot)

Liam: all done (picks him up and sits him on his lap, after a few minutes Niall calmed down) look I get your teeth are killing you but don't ever do that again

Niall: I'm sorry I just don't want a binkie anymore

Liam: look I know you hate it but your using one and that's final ok

Niall: ok

Liam: (sticks one in his mouth and hugs him and kisses all over his face) I love you

Niall: (smiles at him)

(Than both cuddle each other)

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