Chapter Eight and Epilogue

Start from the beginning


The morning was grey and damp.  Guy still lay by the tree where John had placed him last night.  Someone had folded his hands across his chest and closed his beautiful blue eyes.  The eyes I looked into with such love so many times, that looked back at me the same way.  To see them no more pierced me to my very soul.  But now it was time to think of laying him to rest.  I insisted that I would prepare his body.  I didn’t know a thing about such doings, but Aylaina did, so I let her take over.  Her memories of the preparations were all in my mind and methodically and automatically, I did what was necessary.

Robin and all the members of the gang helped me to take Guy’s body to our old oak tree.  My father dug the grave.   

Brother Tuck gave the sacraments, then he quoted from the Bible, his voice resonating with every word:

“From Saint Paul, the Apostle, in his first letter to the people of Thessalonica,

“We do not want you to be uninformed, dear brethren, about those who sleep, that you may not grieve as others do who have no hope.   For since we believe that Christ died and rose again, even so, through Christ, God will bring with him, those who have fallen asleep.”

As I walked to the open grave and dropped a handful of oak leaves from the tree onto Guy’s shrouded body, my voice barely a squeaky whisper, I began to sing the last verse of the hymn, ‘Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing.’

O that day when freed from sinning,

I shall see Thy lovely face;

Clothed then in blood washed linen

How I’ll sing Thy sovereign grace;

Come, my Lord, no longer tarry,

Take my ransomed soul away;

Send thine angels now to carry

Me to realms of endless day.                   

“Elliot and my father took my arms and steered me back to the camp.


My father wanted me to return with him to Scotland and the home my ancestor, Aylaina, grew up in.  I hated to leave the place where my husband was laid to rest, but I knew he was not there anymore.  He was in Heaven and someday, when my time comes, I will be there, too.

Robin and Much and all the gang were there to see us off.  Elliot would be coming home with us, too.  He knew I wanted to return and continue to help my friends and he wanted to come back with me.

Robin and I held our hug for a long time.  He had become like a brother to me and I would miss him dearly.  Putting my hand to his cheek, I said, gently, “Robin, you know Guy held much remorse for what he did to Marian, and to you.”

He took a deep breath.  I could tell it wouldn’t be easy for him to reply to this.  Finally, he said,  “Aylaina, "  looking into my eyes.  “I don’t know if it is forgiveness that had brought me to a place where I could be comfortable around Guy, but we did work well together and even shared some amusing and some difficult situations. Do not trouble yourself, Aylaina.  I do not hate Guy.  He has found peace with God and that is what really matters.”  He then kissed my forehead.

Much took my hands and said, “When you return, I’ll have a big feast for you and Elliot!”  I threw my arms around his neck and hugged him hard.

John was waiting to encircle me in a ‘Big Bear’ hug.  “You know,” he began.  “I hated Gisborne for a long time because of all the pain he caused the villagers, but in the end, he fought for them and even died for them.  I can say with all honesty, him I liked”

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