"I don't know where I am."

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    "What are you talking about?" snapped the harsher voice. "Of course you can. Maybe you're not trying hard enough. This scavenger isn't wearing skyfire. At least, I don't think it is."

    Sophie had located the source of the voices. The squeaky voice came from the technicolor creature in front of her. The soft one came from a patch of shadow off to her left, and the deeper, harsher one came from above her, where Sophie noticed there were ginormous structures, each being able to fit at least ten of these dragons, camouflaged in the trees.

    Sophie swallowed. These things didn't seem to want to harm her... yet

    "P-please don't hurt me," Sophie played up the innocence. Maybe Keefe's tricks could come in handy. Maybe if she was pitiful enough they would let her go. Too many maybe's, she scolded herself. But go where, that was the question.

    A crashing noise drowned out the response. "I'm okay, I'm okay!" yelled the sharp voice. "I just slipped. Stupid bananas." A banana peel flopped off the edge of one of the platforms and landed just in front of Sophie.

    This was getting Sophie nowhere. She straightened her back and glared squarely at the rainbow dragon. Now that she looked closer, these creatures seemed more like children than the full-grown dragons she'd seen in books and movies. Although, she had no experience dealing with dragons, so who knew what age they were?

    "Alright, just answer me these two questions. Who are you and where am I?" Sophie stared hard at the now blue and gold dragon. This one seemed more sympathetic than the other two.

    Instead, it was the black dragon with the soft voice who spoke up. "I'm Moon, this is Kinkajou," she flicked her tail at the colorful one with the excited tone, who grinned,"and this is Winter." she gestured upwards at the platforms and structures, where Sophie could make out a glittering light blue shape between the branches. "As to your second question, you're in the Rainforest Kingdom in Pyyrhia." 

    Sophie had no idea where that was. Maybe part of some massive jungle? Not in the Lost Cities, as far as she knew.

    "And Pyyrhia is where, exactly?" Sophie warily narrowed her eyes and crossed her arms.

    The dark dragon looked confused and cocked her head. "Pyyrhia is everywhere. Do scavengers call it something else?"

    "For the last time, what is a scavenger?" Sophie was getting frustrated. Although she knew she could easily be eaten, she thought maybe she could hold them off. Long enough to escape, that is. Were dragons immune to Elf talents?

    A fluttering noise caught Sophie's attention. She could feel something behind her. She swiveled around, tensing at the pale blue dragon.

    The dragon stared at Sophie. "Now for our questions. Who are you, and what are you doing here?"

    Sophie racked her brain. What was she doing here? Had she lost her memory somehow? Was she still dreaming?

    "My name is Sophie, and I don't know where I am."


Welp, another chapter covered. Tell me if you like it or not! Feedback is always appreciated.

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