Reach out and...

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Three months later.

I step off yet another plane that just arrived in L.A. I had gone from Italy to Brighton to Australia to L.A in the past three weeks. Safe to say I never want to set foot on another plane ever again. I love travelling but lately with all the album putting stress on me, travelling to L.A means more work to be done. So far I've written all but one song for the E.P. Happy Little Pill is by far my favorite because it's about my mum, who is pretty much my favorite human ever to walk the Earth.

I go through all of the security and get my luggage, waiting to see the brown haired, green eyed boy to pick me up. Since Connor came out to me it feels like we've gotten even closer, if that was even possible. He's gotten so much strength and has come out to so many people now, including his parents. Saying I'm proud is an understatement. We Skype everyday and I always stay at the O2L house during my trips to L.A. Well technically I only sleep there and spend the rest of my day in the studio, but that's how making an album works. Tilly and Con are nice enough to visit me all throughout the day with coffee and Nutella to keep me alive.

"Boo!" Someone whispers from behind me. I spin around to see Connor's face right in front of mine.

"Hey!" I say, giving him a huge hug. We ride home in Ricky's car and pull into the driveway after an hour on the road, jamming to any song that plays on the radio. Once we enter the house, we are bombarded with hugs with Wishbone barking in the background. We all settle down after a while and Connor takes me up to his room to blow up the air mattress. The house is already full with four guys and adding a fifth is a push so Connor has me stay in his room, insisting that the couch is way too old and uncomfortable. It actually is, I tried sleeping on it once and it wasn't a good night.

"So I was thinking, since you're going to be super jet lagged, we could just watch Netflix and chill today," Connor suggests and I nod in reply and go to text my mum that I had arrived safe. She always worries about that stuff.

A few hours later, the two of us are piled under blankets and munching on salads. Yes, I was just as surprised that I decided to eat something healthy, but I figure that it might help me get over the massive jetlag.

I start to feel tired and lay back with my head on Connor's shoulder. Before I know it, my eyes snap open to see piercing light coming from the window. Well that blow up mattress was pretty pointless. Connor and I were both passed out, cuddled next to each other.
I try to get up without waking him up, but fail miserably and end up getting whacked in the face with a pillow by an angry Connor.

I sneak off to the bathroom before the sleepy boy could do any more harm to my beautiful face. When I come back out, he's starfishing the bed with his mouth hung wide open. Being the nice person I am, I go downstairs and use whatever cooking skills I have to make toast with Nutella and two cups of coffee. Surprisingly I'm the only one awake so I'm forced to be as quiet is humanly possible again.

I make my way back up the stairs and place the tray of food on the nightstand and proceed to tickle Connor mercilessly.

"Troye, I am going to kill you!" He gasps out between fits of giggles. I give in and fall on top of him in my own fit of laughter.

Suddenly there's a banging on the wall met with Kian screaming, "Shut up!" Whoops. Connor sits on his bed with his hair a mess and a pout plastered on his face.

"Don't give me that look! I made you coffee," I point out to him. He looks over at the tray and instantly has bright eyes.

"Marry me!" he squeals before grabbing a mug. I take the other one in my hand and grab a piece of toast. We both have five minutes of silence enjoying the amazing sugar being stuffed into our faces.

"Mmmmmm thanks Troye!" he says licking his fingers and taking another sip of coffee.

"I'll be honest it just asking you to come with me to the studio and keep me company all day. I need inspiration," I tell him, giving the cutest puppy dog eyes possible.

"I wouldn't do anything else today," he responds, smiling wide at me. We both get ready and say goodbye to rest of the guys before driving to the studio. I text Tyler to meet us there so the three of us can chill while I try to muster out another song.

Connor and I meet up with Emma, my manager, at the doorway and walk inside of the cool building that is already been imprinted with my stressful breakdowns. I still think that chair that I threw needs to be fixed. Tyler walks in a few minutes later with a huge grin smacked on his face.

"Hey y'all!" he says, posing dramatically. We all choirs our hellos and start to get to work. Well, I'm the only one working, the other two males are spinning in the rolly chairs and cracking up. It's not fair that they get to have the fun.

After a few hours, I finally have two lines. Who knows if it's going to be any good, but at least I got somewhere. Tyler had already left to film with Korey so Emma, Connor, and I were all sitting in concentration.

"Sing it to me one more time," Connor asks me. I roll my eyes.

"Okay bossy. Glow is low and it's dimming and the silence is ringing and I can almost feel your breath I can almost feel the rest," I sing.

"So what do you want this to be about? I mean to actually write something, there has to be meaning behind it," Connor points out.

"Well, I'm imagining two people who have known each other for a while start to realize they're both falling in love. I don't know, it's sounds stupid," I say, smacking my forehead with my hand.

"No I actually think that's really good. Let's pretend that these two people are alone. Where are they? What are they doing? Try to make a story."

The time ticks by and the three of us slowly build on idea after idea. The first verse starts to form and I'm already obsessed with it. It seems so realistic and beautiful.

Emma leaves once it starts getting late and tells us to lock up once I'm done writing for the day. I start to struggle again once the chorus approaches. This is the most important part of the song and it needs to be perfect. At least that's what I keep screaming to myself.

"Troye, keep telling me the story. What are these two people thinking?" he asks. I lean back onto his shoulder and close my eyes. I try to picture that feeling of falling in love with your best friend. That raw feeling, like you just met them even though you've known them for such a long time.

"Both of them never really knew that they loved each other but it just happened one night. They both looked into each other's eyes after talking for hours on end, and they knew," I try to explain.

"So sing that to me. Sing whatever that is without thinking."

"Hands move, moving steady and the time moving slower. I can feel we're getting closer, closer. Standing in the eye of the storm, my eyes start to roll to the curl of your lips and the center of eclipse," I sing. I sit up to look at him, still pushing my brain towards that feeling.

"You're really close to finishing Troye," he says, putting his hand over mine.

"Even though they know it's wrong, that they should just be friends, they can't help it. They can't stop feeling this undeniable force that's pushing them together," I whisper. This time what I'm describing isn't from the make believe story. It's coming out of my own heart. The only thing I'm seeing is Connor. Is that what I'm trying to sing about? I inch closer to him.

"In total darkness I reach out and touch." And that's what I do on May 24th 2014. A day I can't help but feel like will change my entire life.

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