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Antony grabs my now sweating hands.

"Chill, Kk. What's wrong?"

"Oh, I don't know. Its not like I am meETING YOUR MOM OR ANYTHING!" I whisper-yell, my voice sounding incredulous. He chuckles and smirks.

"Its fine, its not like we are dating and you are meeting the 'rents." He comforts.

"But still, I don't am not one for meeting new people. I get nervous around new people, okay?"

"What about me?" He pulls my hand motioning that we need to go downstairs. Uh oh time to meet Mrs. Wilson.

"Well, I don't know. You were different. I know you a little bit now, and we were forced to do a project together." I state. "Did you know that it took 3 months for me to get comfortable enough to talk to Chase more than 2 or so sentences a day?" Antony laughs as we make it to the staircase.

"Who's Chase, though?" He asks. Darn again, forgot he was new.

"Oh, yeah, sorry. Chase Tyler Robertson is my bestest friend in the whole wide world. And has been since the 2nd grade. He is a gay as a unicorn and has never been into girls. We never even thought of dating. We were, are, and always be best friends." I declare as we make it down the stairs. By the time I am done, Antony is laughing his äss off. Meanie. "What?"

"I was just" laughing, "your face" laughing, "and your voice" laughing, "oh my god" tears are now streaming from his face. (A/N: I can almost imagine her blank face and monotone thoughts as this happens xD)

"You are the biggest meanie EVER Antony!" I raise my voice slightly and pout. Of course, his mother chose to enter then.

"Is he really that bad?" She asks jokingly. My face turns red when I notice her standing their slightly smirking. I see where Antony gets it from now. I return my pout.

"Yes. He laughed when I told him my best friend, Chase, was as gay as a unicorn." A stern look come upon her face.

"Antony James Wilson, how could you... not laugh at that?" Now she starts laughing. Hard. Tears in her eyes. Oh my gosh I have made a fool of myself in front of his mom. Now she'll always remember me as the girl with the unicorn bff. My face gets redder if that is even possible. "I am sorry..."

"Kiera Massier, nice to meet you Mrs. Wilson." I introduce myself with my hand outstretched.

"Uhm, okay. Sorry Kiera. And you can just call me Mina." His mom shakes my hand.

"Anyways, Kk, mom. I am starting to get hungry. Can Kiera stay for dinner, mom?" Antony butts in.

"You're always hungry, we just at brownies. Also, I am not sure if I can stay. I will ask MY mom." I tell them.

"Okay, dear. But if she says yes, you can stay as long as you wish. This house gets pretty boring except when Toni throws his parties, but I'm not allowed to stay for those. Even though I help clean up and send those who didn't leave on their way."

"Antony James Wilson! How dare you not include your mother?!" I sternly say using his middle name I just now learned. Mina and I laugh.

"Sorry that you would look like a cougar and I don't want people to think that at my school. Sorry for trying to keep mean names not mixed with yours." He directs at his mom. She walks over and hugs him.

"Aww, honey, its okay. I'm not a cougar. Its just that your dad is always on a business trip, so the house is boring." Antony frowns.

"I know, I just wish he was around for more." He tells her sadly.

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