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Louis fidgets nervously in the meeting room he sits in. His mum is sat next to him, patting his shoulder to comfort him as some teachers walk through the door. They discuss his timetable, where he can go for help, how they will arrange his work around his heats etc.

When the meeting is over, Louis' mum kisses his head and says goodbye. He gulps and stares at the doors that, once he walks past them, old his future.

Using the map he was given, Louis navigates his way to his first lesson, German. His head hurts with all the new smells, wrapping his scarf around his face to mute the smells more. He knocks on the door to his German class and pops his head in.
"Uhm- is this Mrs. Jones' class?" He asks shyly.
"Yes it is," the teacher smiles, going to be cupboard to get a book. "You must be Louis."

Louis gives her a curt nod and sits where she places his book, avoiding all of the eyes locked onto him. He knows he smells good to the alphas, has been told he smells good by betas and omegas before too.

Louis' nose twitches every few seconds, trying to figure out the new scents surrounding him.

He sits carefully next to Andrew, a beta. He has light brown hair, blue eyes and he's quite muscly for a beta, Louis thinks. They get on okay, Andrew sticking to conversations about the work while Louis concentrates on learning new names.

A girl, Abby introduces herself after class, telling him she's an alpha with a wolffish grin. Louis doesn't need to be told, he can smell and see it from far away. That's why Louis walks off with Andrew instead of responding to Abby, smiling apologetically at his surprise appearance.

Andrew doesn't mind, informing Louis that Abby is quite intense and proud of her status, she wants to settle down and claim an omega as soon as she can.

Louis takes a mental note to stay away from her.

In Biology, Louis is sat next to a pretty blond haired boy with striking blue eyes and an enticing Irish accent. His neck has two very bright marks, despite his young age. He is very excitable and jumps at the opportunity to make a new omega friend, not knowing many male omegas.
"Niall," the boy grins, patting Louis gently on the back. "And you are?"
"Louis," Louis smiles, he likes this boy.

"Sit with me at lunch?" Niall asks at the end of the lesson, wanting to show his boyfriends his new friend.

Louis isn't usually as quiet as he has been today but he wants to figure out who is safe and who isn't before he begins opening up to people and getting comfortable.

Louis sits alone in the next class, his teacher saying the only seats left were next to alphas and that would be a bad combination apparently. He doesn't mind really, getting a chance to observe his class, see who is ogling him and who doesn't seem fazed.

He is also thankful because in his classroom, a maths class, is the most heavenly, scent lingering. It's difficult for him to fully distinguish what or who it is as it seems the person isn't here now and their scent has been partially masked by the other students.

At lunch Niall meets him at his classroom and brings him to the table he usually sits at.
"Do you sit by yourself?" Louis asks gently.
"No. My two boyfriends sit here. And then there's the Styles triplets. They sit here too."
"Who're the Styles triplets?"
"Oh my god," Niall groans, flailing dramatically onto the table. "The most popular, attractive people in our school. Besides my Liam and Zayn, of course," he smiles. "There is Harry, Marcel and Edward. And I think the rest is left unsaid because they're on their way over here."

Niall leaves it so late to tell Louis that the triplets are coming over that Louis has no choice but to stay where he is, despite his nerves.

Five tall, stunning alphas walk over to the table and its immediately clear to Louis who the triplets are. They're all similar height, two of the three have curly hair, though on of them has his hair a lot longer than the other. The other triplet has straight hair, combed back over his head out of the way of his glasses.

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