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Next day....

I woke up and found my self in bed with justice beside me he was so cute when he sleeps . I went to the desk and saw he finished the song (perfect credit to the one and only one direction.) I got my guitar and mixed some chords up then..
"Hey.." I jumped when I heard a raspy morning voice say. I turned to see justice.
"Sorry justice, did I wake you up?"
"Nope. Anyways you like the song?" He asked
"No ,I LOVE it!!!!!"
"Hahaha... Is there any more I can help you with?"
"What do you mean?"
"Any more songs you need help with."
"Oh no the album needs 15 songs and you helped with the last one."
"Then I'll help with the tune then if it's ok with you?" He asked and I just nodded.
Few hours later we found the right chords for it. We sent it to Niall few seconds later he replied back by saying he loves it but he needs a Video on how it sounds like and what they should do. I set up the camera and we sang to it justice sang too. I sent it again.
*phone beeping *
N: love it, I would want to ask if you guys want to sing a duet next year in our concert and just make a new one if it's no trouble?
"Justice! Niall is asking if you want to do a duet with me on their concert next year?"
"Of course I loved to do a duet with you."
"But we have to write a new one.."
"Then we better get started..."
"Ok.. I'll tell Niall that we are in."
M: ok.. We're in Niall see you next time
N: yeah you too bye
M: bye say hi to the boys for me
N: sure
End convo
All morning and afternoon we wrote the song until 3 in the afternoon
"Yes we're done ... High five." The super happy justice said.
"Ok I'll send it Niall." After sending it were bored .
"Want to go and watch a movie at the mall?"
"Yeah.. I feel like walking so..." I said I was really fed up with sitting all morning until now.
"I agree with you. I'll just run over and get change ..Meet you out side of your house at 4?"
"Yeah sure."
Walking to the mall
We were walking talking until..
"Justice, dude want to come play ball" a boy asked out .
"Yo Kevin ... Sorry I'm going to the mall with my best friend ,next time?"
"Yeah dude no worries , see you." Kevin said as he waved at us . Justice just smiled back.
"I really don't mind if you want to play basketball I can go on my own." I said.
"No I'm not leaving you." He said .. I kinda blushed... Then he continued.
"You know if I had to pick between you and music you know which one I'll pick?"
"Which one ?"

Bạn đã đọc hết các phần đã được đăng tải.

⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Mar 25, 2017 ⏰

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