Chapter 1

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Seven years ago

Droplets of water hit the windshield as it slowly makes its way through the dark path hidden among the trees. A man in the backseat has been continuously surveying the area. His neck is aching due to the excessive craning and head tilting.

Absentmindedly, he tapped his foot against the padded car floor. He rubbed his temples and let out a sigh.

"Let's go back. It's already late" He slouched back to his seat. His shoulders falling as the driver backed the car to take a turn.

"Wait!" His voice echoed through the car's interior causing his driver to step on the brake.

A couple of meters away from him stood two silhouettes. He immediately opened the door. The rain soaking his business suit to the core as he ran his way to them.

He stopped behind the two figures. Two pairs of eyes met his.

"I-I'm sorry for your loss" The rain covered the tears trickling down from his eyes as he looked at the girls.

A pair of dark brown eyes bore into his through a pair of eyeglasses clouded with water. Her arms were wrapped around another brown-haired girl whose sobs filled his heart with sadness.

"It's not your fault" The brown eyed girl shifted her gaze to the front. Her teeth digging to her lower lip as she held back her tears. She knows she needs to be strong for her cousin. She tightened her arm and stroked the girl's back softly.

The man took a step forward to their side. His gaze dropped to the cemented gravestone bearing six names.

"My name should be engraved there too. I-I-I'm sorry, Lex, Cass." He clenched his fist. His nails dug deep through his skin.

"Don't be stupid! If you died with our parents, then three of us would be orphaned. That includes your daughter. She already lost her mom" Cass, the brown-haired girl snapped at him. Her blue angry eyes met his.

"I may have lost my wife but your parents are-were- my bestfriends too. If they didn't try to go to my wife's funeral, they would still be alive. It's my fault" he dropped to his knees. He didn't bother with the mud sticking to his pants. He sobbed as he gripped the grass on the wet ground.

"Stupid. It was those men's fault. But if you wanna blame yourself then fine." His head snapped to the girls. Lex, the girl wearing the eyeglasses clenched her fist. Her chest heaved. Cass looked at her with worry in her eyes.

"Lex, stop! He already blames himself" The brown haired girl scowled as she looked at Lex.

Lex looked at the man with an expressionless face. Her hands unclenched as she heaved out a sigh.

"Cassie is right. Your daughter needs you. We can take care of ourselves" Lex looked at Cass and held the girls hand. She turned and walked away from the man.

"Wait" He stood up and held her shoulder. "You don't have anywhere else to go. Your parents left you with me."

"And endanger you and your daughter too? Sorry, David but we have to decline" Her voice is stern. David wondered if he is really talking to a ten year old. She reminded him of his late best friend. Cold, protective and stubborn.

"Lex, you and Cass have nowhere to go. Everyone thinks you're dead. If someone finds you, it'll be broadcasted and your parents' enemies will find you. And they'll kill you for real. " His voice cracked at his last statement.

Lex and Cass looked at each other as if conversing. They looked back at him. His expression hopeful. Lex sighed as her cousin squeezed her hand.

Cass smiled warmly at David and nodded. "We will forever be greatful, Uncle David."

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