tue creeters entered

10 2 1

The four creeters were wondering for food then they saw a restaurant .
Spike : slico ?
Flamelord: burn dangerous .
Stinky (farts)
Spike:even more slicangerous.
Pinky : nose hurt !!!
Flamelord : me gas equap boom !
spike:to the restaurant .

Meen while in the restaurant.
Chef Bernard:is everything good?
Waiter:yep no creeters in sight .
Bernard:good no creeters Mr . taster is allergic to creeters .

Spike : fooooooood (slowly)
Flamelord :flasume .
Stinky : me hungry .
Pinky : strawberry .

The Creeters ate and ate and ate ....
(Sound of broken dishes)
Bernard : catch them .
He captures spike while the other captures stinky .
Spike up by spike .
Fart by stinky .
Bad words and curses by the chef and the waiter .

Bernard :calling all units creeters in the kitchen .

Creeters Of Lunching : A Restaurant StoryWhere stories live. Discover now