Ch.1 The Shirt

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"Mr. Wild you can't just punch another boy in the face for not liking his shirt."

" His shirt was annoying me." I sat in the principals office watching the seconds tick by on the clock. I had punched Jeramy Holden in the face for wearing a shirt with a Dalek on it the read " OMG its R2D2! I loved him in Star Trek " my friends thought I punched him for being a dweeb but in all honesty I hated his shirt . I knew all the references and it annoyed the hell out of me when I saw his shirt.

"Mr. Wild you are a smart kid, " Mr. Houston started, " but you have surrounded yourself with people who have greatly influenced your behavior. These acts of juvenile delinquency have to stop. Last time you injured another student for simply using your pen, before that you shoved a girl into a wall before that you broke a students phone. If you have one more mishap I will have no choice but to be expel you. Reese as of now you will be helping at the orphanage on the weekends till everyone feels you have learned your lesson."

" Everyone ?" I asked confused. He sat back in his chair. It squeaked in protest as his weight pushed it down. " Mr. Wild your parents are concerned with your behavior as well. They have agreed this is the best punishment. Working a minimum of 4 hours on the weekend. Also you will be prohibited from playing on the soccer team until further notice." I stood up in anger,"How can you ban me from the team?! I'm the captain! Best on the team!!!"

" You should have thought of the before Mr.Wild." My face felt hot and I clenched my jaw so hard I thought I'd break my teeth. " Go to the TA next door and Miss Eros will give you your community service papers. "I walked out and slammed the door. I wanted to punch the wall . I walked into the TA office and found a girl with dyed white hair and bright gray eyes. She wore a black knit shirt over a light blue/ gray collared shirt and some floral tights. She had worn out covers and a piercing on the left side of her bottom lip. She wasn't paying attention and had her back to me. I cleared my throat and she turned around surprised.

" Mr. Houston told me a Miss Eros would give me community service papers." She nodded her head and went to a file cabinet. She had to stand on her toes in order to reach the papers. Once she had the papers she returned to the desk by the window and wrote some stuff down. She picked up a sheet and pointed to one that said "What's your name" I looked her oddly "What you got a sore throat or something or you just too good to talk to me?" She looked down as if I'd struck a nerve. At that moment Mrs. King walked into the office and saw us.
" Aiden everything ok?" So that must be her name. Aiden got up and went into a room with her head down not saying a word.

"What do you say to her boy?" She fixed her eyes on me with a glare.

" Mrs.King all I asked was if she had a sour throat or if she was too good to talk to me ," I laughed, " She held up a paper and pointed to a box asking what my name was ." Mrs.King stared at the door Aiden went through and with out looking at me she said " She's mute."


*text* that has the little stars and is in bold is when Aiden is signing something and if she is thinking something it'll be in italics.

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