Ch.2 Botany

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      I hugged my knees to my chest. I can't believe what an ass that guy was. But then what do you expect from Reese Wild. I hated not being able to tell him off or say anything period. I'd come to terms with being mute a long time ago, but when assholes like Reese came along all I wanted at that moment was to yell at them and tell them off till my face was blue. I felt tears trying to escape my eyes but I wiped them away before they could make there way down my face. The door opened and in walked
Mrs. King AKA my mom.

      Mrs. King wasn't my birth mom. My birth mom Abby Eros died along with my father Robert Eros in a car accident when me and my brother Jayden were little. Mrs. King was my mothers best friend and adopted us. She raised us since I was 5 and my brother was 6. Jayden called her momma opal.

      She walked into the tiny room and pulled me up. She  was a thick lady with mocha color skin . She had brown eyes and always wore her curly hair in a bun. She hugged me and I cried silent tears into her neck . "Oh honey, I'm so sorry you have to deal with ignorant people like that." She smoothed my hear while I wiped my eyes. *Is he out there?* I signed "No I finished the paper work and sent him on his way ." I nodded as we left the room. 10 minutes later the bell rang and I headed to my next class. I entered the room and took my seat by the window as Mr. Crane started talking to us about our next Art project. This was one of my favorite classes. I loved art. I way to express my self without words. I had the equal opportunity as those around me.

      " You will have two weeks for this project you will find a person to be your muse; you must describe to me in an artistic way  weather it be with clay, water colors or  paper mâché ."  Some of the kids groaned but I smiled happily at the assignment. I started thinking about the person I'd do. And started jotting down ideas.


      The bell rang and I headed towards my next class. Most of my classes were elective since I was a senior and I finished many of my required classes and even started taking college classes over the summer . I walked into the band room and and walked to the drum set setting my stuff down as the rest of the jazz band made their  way to there seats a got their instruments. We played till the bell rang. We had a concert in a month and we were all excited. There is gonna be a lady who will give out some money to some musicians for college.

       I walked to my last period and sat down at the little desk Ms. Kale had set up for me. I was the TA for her poetry class . " Hey snow flake." I smiled up at Jayden as he walked into class. I skipped a grade in middle school so we were in the same grade.  " Momma told me what happened." I looked down at my lap.  He kissed my head and then sat down . " Aiden dear,will you please take this to Mr. Kreed next door ?" I took the envelope and walked next door to the botany class. Some times when Ms. Kale didn't have work for me I'd go to Mr.Kreeds class and check on my flowers since I had him 2nd period.

      "How can you not have room in this class?! Who wants to take a class with stupid flowers?!" I walked in to the room as Reese wild yelled at Mr.Kreed.  He looked stressed and a bit scared. He looked at me and smiled as if I hadn't just walked in on him arguing with a student.

* Everything ok ?*

       " Everything's fine dear just some trouble with classes. Something I can help you with?" I handed him the envelope. *Can I check on my flowers and veggies ?*

       "Sure, I'm just gonna talk with Mr. Wild here." Reese looked at me and then turned away as if I had done something to annoy him. I walked to the back door the led to the green house. I grabbed the spray bottle and sprayed some of the plants that needed it. I loved the green house it was always warm even in winter. And all the beautiful flowers and leaves made me happy. I left the green house to the garden on the side and tended to some of the potatoes and pulled out some weeds. I went back into the class room dusting of the dirt.

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