"Hey, (Y/N) could you do a quick trip to the shops to buy me some bread, milk and more bacon after you eat?"

"Mm, sure thing." You say swallowing your second last piece of bacon.

"Alright I'll go now." You state standing up from your chair as your mum went through her purse handing you $25.

"Alright you remember what you need to get?"

"Yes mum, you told me not even a minute ago!" You laugh causing her to laugh to as you folded the money and put it in your back pocket, leaving out he front door.

It was about a fifteen minute walk to the shops so your decided to put your headphones in which are always in your phone and listen to music.

With small skips in your step along with humming you happily listened to your music.

Eventually you finished the song and stopped to search for one of your other favourite songs.

As you flicked through the names of songs something strongly gripped onto your elbow causing you to yelp from being startled.

Before you could look to what had grabbed you your feet left the ground, soon your feet hit the concrete once again and you felt yourself being dragged.

Turning to the direction you were being dragged from, your (E/C) eyes met with the back of a tall figures head with blonde hair.

"L-Let go!" You yell your heart beating faster your eyes watering from the wind blowing in your face.

Closing your eyes for a split second you felt your back hit something hard and something pressed up against you making it hard to breath.

Your eyes widening in fear as you looked up to a guy who seemed about in his early 20s.

"What are you doing?!" You shout in his face which was only a few inches from yours his blue eyes staring straight into your (E/C) ones.

"You are a feisty one aren't you" His voice deep and husky a smirk playing on his lips as he looked down at you.

"Get off me!" You shout even louder tossing around trying to get free.

"Oh hush, no need for shouting darling. I just wanna have a little fun plus, your damn fine aye?" He says still holding the smirk.

Something cold started slithering it's way up your stomach looking down you realised it was his hand.

Your heart going frantic you tried to push him away at this point you had no idea what to do and your body was just taking control.

"Stop!" You yell tears brewing in your eyes as you thrashed around under his large figure.

"Oh shut up stop whining!" He growls angrily his free hand holding your wrist and squeezing it tightly pain shooting through.

"Ah!" You cry out tears falling down your cheeks at the pain and his hand that was up your shirt.

"H-help...." You whisper feeling defeated tears flowing staining your cheeks.

"No one will hear your-" His sentence was cut short as another voice cut in.

"Let her go." The voice sounded furious and deep though somewhat familiar.

You couldn't see who the man was who had just spoke but you felt the grip on your wrist loosen and the weight that was leaning against you disappear.

Slowly you sunk to the cold dark concrete floor huddling up to make yourself as small as possible.

"Oh yeah, what are you gonna do short ass?" You could hear the humour in the blonde guys voice.

"Tch, This." The voice from before spoke after that all you heard was a yelp of pain and something thud to the ground in front of you causing you to put your hands over your ears and sob more.

The sound of boots echoed through the alleyway coming closer towards you making you curl up even more if that was even possible.

"It's alright he's knocked out." The man who had caused the guy to let go of you spoke but in a gentle way.

Slowly you lifted your head to meet the eyes of a man that was fairly short though possibly a little taller than you dark raven black hair and stunning blue orbs.

You studied his features for a few seconds until you widened your eyes and him doing the same from realisation.

"L-Levi?!" You stutter out thinking this was another dream because there was no way this was possible.

"(Y/N)?" His blue eyes still wide staring right at you.

"This is a dream isn't it...?" You ask putting your palm to your forehead rubbing it closing your eyes.

"No this is reality..." Levi gave a small smile his eyes going back to normal his features following going back to stoic.

"B-but... You were only in my dreams your not even a real person."  You stutter leaning your back against the cold wall.

"I am real I'm here aren't I? I finally got to meet you in person." Levi said as he walked closer to you until he was only inches away.

"Your just as gorgeous as in the dreams I've shared with you..." He said as he placed the same large pale hands on your cheeks as in the dream the feeling of them the exact same.

"L-Levi!" You shout charging into his chest hugging tightly tears beginning to fall once again but now from happiness and amazement.

"I'm here now and no bastard will get you now because your 'mine'" He whispered leaning over a little to reach your ear him making 'mine' stand out most in his sentence.

In his chest your eyes widened your heart beating fast you could feel your cheeks heating up.

You felt yourself be pushed back against the wall but this time gently.

"His filthy hands shouldn't have touched you, that should have been me to touch you like that first." Levi growled in your ear making you shiver.

"I'm gonna make you mine." He said giving a devilish smile causing your eyes to again widen at his comment.

As you were to busy staring wide eyed up at him his lips crashed onto yours kissing you like he has wanted to do it forever.

After a few seconds you both broke away for a breath Levi giving a small smirk as if he had something in mind.

"Let's go and continue from our last dream together." He whispered grabbing your hand leading you out and in a different direction from the shops.

'My dream has actually come true about continuing the dream from this morning' You think to yourself smirking.

~LevixReader~ One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now