Epilogue: "Just another day."

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9 months later...

"Hey, we're gonna be late," Danny burst through the door of Slade's bedroom, not even hesitating for a second. Slade was on the floor, one leg tucked in front of him and the other behind, stretching.

"I'm almost ready, calm down."

"This is calm," Danny insisted.

"You're not calm," Slade shook his head and winced as he moved out of the stretching position. "And if you hadn't done such a number on my ass last night I would be moving a lot faster now."

"You were the one demanding I go harder," Danny was careful to keep his thoughts from drifting to the night before. They'd had a good time, that much was for sure. Better than the first time Slade let him top, which was surprising because Danny still got off thinking about the first time.

Ivan had taken Carol along on an overnight business trip the weekend it happened, leaving them with full run of the house again. They'd managed to have so much sex that by bedtime on the second day, Danny knew he couldn't handle any more.

"We'll just sleep," Slade had promised. That was easy to believe until they were in bed together and couldn't keep their hands off each other.

"This has to be a record," Danny decided. "I've cum so much and just keep getting hard."

"I know," Slade moaned. "I still need more."

"I do too, but I can't take it," Danny shook his head. "Not tonight, I just can't."

"That's not that I meant," Slade kissed him. "I want you in me, Dan, please."

"You can't be serious," Danny knew he was still dizzy from his last orgasm but Slade looked like he meant it.

"Please?" Slade locked his fingers through Danny's. "I trust you. If I hate it, then we'll just stop."

"We can try," Danny agreed. That was all it took. Slade was out of the bed a second later.

"Be right back," he promised. "I got tired of your excuses and looked this part up."

"Uh, okay," Danny didn't want to laugh but Slade seemed so determined.

As it turned out, that was not all Slade had looked up. When he returned from the bathroom, Slade proceeded to tell Danny everything else he'd learned about bottoming online. Nothing he said was news to Danny but at least Slade was prepared.

"Hey. Are you awake?" Slade's voice pulled Danny out of his memories and back to the present.

"Yeah, sorry."

"Did you pack my bag?"

"Ugh, what would you do if I didn't?" Danny rolled his eyes.

"Probably forget everything I need," Slade grinned. "Come here," he reached for Danny's hip.


"Because I just got hungry."

"Slade, we do not have time for this!" Danny backed up before Slade could pull his pants down. "Get up. Focus."

"I'm focused...just not on ballet," Slade laughed but got to his feet. "You owe me a massage."

"I tried to get you up so you could get in to see the trainer this morning, but you refused," Danny pointed out.

"I don't want clinical, I want you," Slade kissed him and locked his fingers through Danny's. "These hands, working my-"

"Boys!" Ivan shouted from the hall.

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