Michael stops struggling against him and flops limply against the floor, beaming up at Ashton. "Aw. Really?"

Ashton nods sincerely and Calum sighs (again). He doesn't feel like mentioning the cis male/Will Smith conversation they'd just had. Instead, he finishes shoving on his shoes and throws his jacket on, grabbing the condom as he passes. As he's laving, he hears Michael's small protesting noise and, "Wait, I haven't fucked you in months. Whose baby is that?" Calum slams the front door shut and practically runs to his car.

Luke's house isn't too far away as it turns out. He's on the more expensive side of town, close to the college they all attend, in a high end apartment complex. It's sleek and black, just like Luke's car, and Calum's really not surprised. Impressed, slightly envious, giddy even, but not surprised.

Calum parks his run down 2005 Chevy impala next to Luke's black jaguar and ignores how the door creaks when he slams it shut. A bit of rust falls off as well, but he's ignoring it, for the time being. The front door is unlocked, so Calum swaggers his way I'm, acting like he belongs in this very expensive building. He figures he could sell both Michael and Ashton and still not have enough money for an apartment here. Michael alone wouldn't be enough, but Ashton's rich extended family would probably pay to get him back, not a lot, though.

Inside the glass front doors is a large open space with a couple of chairs and bookcases and other expensive looking furnishings. There's a desk in the middle of the room, in front of the elevators, with a young blonde woman sitting on what seems to be an exercise ball, wearing a crisp, black dress.

"Uh," Calum approaches her cautiously, because he's not exactly used to rich fancy women. Or women in general, really. She glances up and flips and blonde curl over her shoulder with a perfectly manicured hand. "Um- nice nails- um, I'm here to see Luke? Hemmings?"

She glances down at her nude nails before looking back up at Calum. "Thanks," she flips through a pile of papers for a second or two before nodding. "Hemmings. I'll let him know you're here, you can go right up. Floor 32, apartment A."

Calum glances around the empty room like this is a prank. He feels like there should be a security guard, or a lock, or something. "What, just like that?"

She nods and holds up the paper she's looking at. "Calum Hood, you're on the visitors list." There's a picture of Calum on the sheet of paper, a small rectangle photo of him above his name and a short description. The pictures is one that Luke had taken about a month prior, of Calum beaming with a fluffy purple boa wrapped around his neck.

"I don't usually dress like that," he assures the receptionist. She gives him an incredulous look. "I don't! It- forget it, nevermind. 32A?"

"Floor 32, apartment A," she nods. Calum squints at her, but says nothing as he walks past. She goes back to her computer, which, as Calum passes, has solitaire on it. He shakes his head and presses the button for the elevator.

There's classical music playing in the elevator, which seems suspiciously fast and smooth, Calum feels expensive.

There's only a short hallway and four doors, two on each side, letters A-D. Calum knocks on the one labelled A and stands back, hands clasped behind him and rocking on his feet. Luke answers within five seconds, like he was waiting a step away, and smiles widely when he sees Calum.

"Hi!" He says happily, grabbing Calum's elbow to yank him in. The door's barely even closed before Luke is trying to peel off Calum's jacket and tug him out of his shoes at the same time. Calum allows himself to be manhandled for a minute, before shoving Luke off and removing both himself.

"I'm glad you're here, let's make out!" Luke exclaims. Calum blinks at him.

"What? I just got here, give me a minu-" he gets cut off by Luke stumbling forward and physically knocking into him, pushing him back against the door before pressing their mouths together. Calum hums at him fondly for a second before gently pulling Luke off of him. "Hi, Lukey."

Worship in the Bedroom [Cake]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें