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october 2013

it was weird talking to him again. it's as if this door inside me opened and filled me with memories of all the times we had been together in fifth grade. it felt nice.

i learned a couple of things about him the first few days i talked to him. he went to a school about 2 miles away from mine, he had problems with his family, he was a straight A student (nerd much?) and most importantly—he had a girlfriend. and it sounded like he really loved her.

over the next couple of days we caught up and he was still the flirt i always remembered him to be. i told naomi all about it while she looked at me with a huge smile on her face.

"you're so into him."

"no i'm not. it's like i just met the guy."

"oh come on you've known him since fifth grade."

"yeah and i haven't seen him in three years. i don't like him. besides, he has a girlfriend."

her face fell. "really?"

we started talking about other things after that. i kept thinking about what she said though.

do i like him?

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