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I stared, wordlessly, at the cinnamon colored wolf in front of me. I knew it had to be Samantha; the fur was an exact match to the color of her hair and those emerald green eyes were unmistakable. I'd studied enough about wolves to know what she was doing.. protecting me, even though it would mean betraying her pack, an act of defiance that could by no means be taken lightly.

The biggest of the wolves ran up to us, growling in her face, trying to make her bow down. She stood up, drawing herself up to her full height, never breaking their eye contact. She growled back at him, and I could see every muscle tense up under her skin. The bigger wolf, two times her size and with dark brown and black mottled fur, took two steps back. I stepped up, every cell in my body aching to protect her, but she stilled me with a warning growl.

The other wolf sprang at her, trying to hit her blind sided, but she whirled at the last second. Mottled fur met cinnamon in a tangled mess of snarls and violent yelps. They finally broke apart, both shaking and bleeding. I could smell the blood pouring off of both of them, the salty sweet smell of it burning into my nose. She staggered back, her fur matted with her own blood, and went back to stand in front of me again. The other wolf, the big one, shook his dappled head, sending droplets of blood spraying from cuts on his face and nose. He took one long look at both of us before turning and sprinting for the woods, calling the rest of the wolves with him.

Sam turned back toward me, shaking. I finally got a good look at her.. She was bleeding from a cut on her shoulder, so deep the muscles were showing. The sight of her hurt that bad made me feel sick, so sick that I was forcing myself just to stand.

Green eyes met mine, she took two steps back toward the woods and her shoulder gave way underneath her. The cinnamon colored wolf who'd just saved my ass fell to the ground in a bloody mess.

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