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"You heard me, baby girl..." My own words echoed through my head, making me feel sickeningly hot. How could I be so stupid? That was something I never would've normally said to a human girl, much less a damn werewolf.

Werewolf. The word itself made the hair on the back of my neck stand up. The one sworn enemy, the one thing that threatened my very existence, and the existence of my family. Someone I should hate, should kill with no questions asked the first chance I get.

But I couldn't even imagine killing her. Something about her drew me in, made me want to protect her. Even though she was more than capable of protecting herself, I wanted to wrap my arms around her, hold her, run my fingers through her bright red hair.

My fingers slipped down her back on their own accord, as I tried to memorize the feeling of the bones under her skin. I took my time, feeling the dip between her shoulderblades, and the ridge that was her spine as my fingers trailed down, brushing against her ribs and curling around her side, running over curves I'd love to feel skin to skin..

I shook my head; I had to get a hold of myself. What the hell is wrong with me? I've never thought like this before. Chances were, if my family got wind of this, I'd have to kill her. Period. Either I'd have to do it myself or they would. And they'd drag it out, the way they did with wolves. Biting her over and over, leaving her body spazzing and seizing as the venom fought with her werewolf blood, burning holes in her veins until it finally killed her, putting an end to her screams. Just the thought of it made my blood boil, every muscle in my body tightened and I let out a low hiss, the anger burning in my chest. The thought of anyone doing that to her made me ready to kill, and I didn't even know her.

This was going against everything I knew and had learned, but I couldn't help it. She was irresistible to me, alluring and hypnotizing, no matter how much I wanted to fight it.

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