Chapter 9: The Jig Is Up

Start from the beginning

I pushed past him and tore down the stairs towards the game room. The game room is where the pack usually hangs out so it is no surprise that he is freaking out. I busted open the door to seem my mate cowering in the corner of the room, shaking like a leaf, crying his eyes out and one the verge of a panic attack, and it was not helping that my pack was surrounding him. Though they were trying to help. Wolfs are social animals so when one in in distress then it craves physical contact.

I snarled at my pack, warning them to get away from my mate. They all took a step back but remained in the room, wanting to help. When I snarled Quinn looked up with terrified eyes. Once they met mine his tears started coming faster and he held his arms out to me. I rushed over and he latched on to me like his life depended on it and started bawling his eyes out.

"Asher, lassen Sie sie nicht tat ​​mir weh," he whispered in a pleading voice. I looked to him confused but he just kept pleading into my side. "Ich will nicht noch mehr verletzt werden. Ich werde gut sein und tun, was sie sagen, nur Lassen Sie sie mich verletzt."

Quinn was scared to bad that he wasn't even speaking English anymore. I nuzzled my head into the top of his head and he looked up to me.

"Wo ist Devon?" he asked softly, "oder der Rest der Packung ? Wer sind all diese Leute?"

I recognized my name but the rest was nothing to me. As I sat there confused Stephanie busted into the room looking furious. She is not a morning person. Her look immediately softened when she saw what was going on.

"Stephanie!" Quinn called out when he saw her, "Wer sind all diese Menschen?" he asked with fear as his eyes flicked around the room. He was mostly hidden behind me but he was still scared out of his mind.

"Quinn sweetie, you need to calm down," she told him in a soothing voice. "I do not understand what you are saying, but I want to help you. These guys will do nothing to you, they are harmless, and besides, you have Asher with you."

He seemed unsure still but nodded an ok, he took a deep breath before he spoke, "W-who are all of these p-people?" he asked with a tremor in his voice.

"They live here too, and they are really nice! Just like Devon!" she told him. "This is Liam and Chris," she said as they gave a polite wave, "and then Mason and Ryan, Alexander is over there, and next to him is Luke, then there is Isaac and Eli, and last is Owen!"

Quinn looked at them all in confusion, "Warum," he started but stopped to switch back to English, "why do they have the same names as the wolves in the pack?" he asked. Stephanie's eyes widened in realization of what she did and stumbled for an answer.

I let out a sigh of dread and spoke through the mind link to everyone except for Quinn, "Let's tell him," I decided. "He was fine with the pack yesterday, he had been accepted in already and he needs to know."

"Are you sure?" Liam asked with wide eyes.

I nodded my head to Stephanie to continue. She looked to me once more before taking a deep breath and looking to Quinn. "We have something to tell you Quinn," before he could say anything she continued, "please don't freak out. It isn't as bad as it seems, and they wont do anything to harm you. Not now, not ever."

Quinn seemed confused but stayed silent, he gripped my fur harder in his hands and waited for Stephanie to come out with it.

"We are a pack of werewolf's," she admitted not looking away from my mate. Quinn narrowed his eyes in disbelief at her words but didn't seem scared.

"Prove it," he challenged.

"Luke, if you please," Stephanie said looking to Luke. He nodded and quickly shifted into his large wolf, sheading his clothes in the process. After he was done he shook out his fur and looked to Quinn. I looked to Quinn too to see that he wasn't' scared at all, he just looked mildly surprised.

"Are you all werewolf's or just Luke?" he asked. The pack answered by all shifting into their wolfs because they knew that Quinn would be more comfortable. Stephanie looked at Quinn; surprised that he was taking this so well.

I felt my mates hand on the side of my face and he gently turned my head until I was looking into his eyes. "Are you a were too?" he asked without a hint of fear in his voice, it actually had excitement.

I nodded a yes.

"Are you Devon?" he asked to my utmost surprise. MY eyes widened and I nodded a yes. He smiled softly. "Cool," he whispered out.

"So, do you have any questions?" Stephanie asked. "You seem to be taking this very well." She mused as she stroked Luke's head.

"This isn't my first time meeting werewolf's before," he admitted. We all looked at his with surprise and astonishment. There were so few weres left, especially in this area. Where could he have met another werewolf?"

"How? When?" Stephanie said voicing my question.

"One of my close friends is a werewolf but he is a little deformed so he is alone. He told me that there weren't any werewolf left in this area though," he said while running his hands through my fur with his chin rested on my shoulder. He seemed a lot more relaxed now then he was before but I was still wondering who this other wolf is. "Speaking of which, he will probably come looking for me pretty soon. His name is Cooper and he is very protective of me," at that I let out a small growl. Only I could be protective of my mate.

"Quinn, do you know what mates are?" Stephanie asked.

Quinn shook his head no. "You mentioned them before but I don't know what they are."

"A mate is someone who completes you in every way. The one you were meant to love and the one who loves you, forever," she explained looking fondly at Luke.

"A-are Ash-, I mean, Devon and I mates?" he asked in a shaky voice.

"You are," she answered him with a soft smile.

A large grin broke out across Quinn's face and I gave him a wolfy smile. Suddenly a loud howl was heard from right outside the house and all of our heads snapped up.

"And that would be Cooper," Quinn said with an exasperated sigh. 

Translations: Asher, don't let them hurt me. I don't want to be hurt anymore. I will be good and do what they say; just don't let them hurt me. Where is Devon, or the rest of the pack? Who are all of these people? Why

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