9 · Back on Isunder

Start from the beginning

"Ok, I don't mean to interrupt, but—just to summarize—because the stars aligned a particular way the day you were born, you are expected to become Chieftess and die in a few years?"

"...yeah, pretty much."

"Oh..." Hiccup trailed off. This was a bit more serious than he was expecting. "Ok, continue."

"So. One day when I was six—the raids still occurred, by the way—a Nadder cornered my Dad and I while he was trying to get me to the bunkers. Our house was on the other side of the island, and I didn't wake up when the alarms sounded. He held off the Nadder while I ran for safety. He burned to death. The dragon pursued me to the bunkers, where my Mom was waiting. It shot a few spines and my mom pushed me out of the way."

"So, your parents died protecting you?"

"Unfortunately," she chewed on her lip. Hiccup wanted to correct her. Not unfortunately. I'm glad you're here. "I was taken in by Allen's parents. His dad is the military commander—Military Elite, I mean—here."

"So this... Allen's dad trained you to fight?"

"Yeah. They also raised me. The thing is, my dad was the previous commander. Allen's dad moved up a rank because of the death of my father." Mark, Allen's father, was best friends with Luneah's dad. In the beginning of his reign as Military Elite, a short week after Luneah's parents died, Mark received a lot of criticism for 'trying to take a higher position'. But Mark loved Luneah as if she were her own, and took the young girl into his own household. Mark raised Luneah the way her father would have—a candidate for future Military Elite—and Allen was always there to guide her, as an older brother.

"So in a way, Mark really did become your father."

"Exactly..." Luneah smiled widely. She would never be able to express how thankful she was to the Egirium family. For Allen for protecting her through the worst of it all and for Mark and his wife for providing her with a new home. "Because of my prophecy, I was allowed into the military academy at a young age. My parents' death was tough on the entire city, but it also hardened me into a warrior with no ties—I'll fight to the death for my island because I have nothing else to live for."

"Sounds like a lonely life."

"I'm expected to die by age 20, I think I can handle six more years of isolation."

Hiccup didn't speak. He didn't exactly have a great view on prophecies. People told him that because he was born on an unlucky day, weak and barely even crying, he would die before his first birthday. And look at him now. People prophesied that he would get killed or maimed in dragon training and he left it as the best student they've had in generations.

But he couldn't tell Luneah what he thought of her "prophecy". The moon couldn't tell you how to live your life.

"So... Do you think Mark can train me to fight?"


"The dragon had riders."

"But how?"

"They're a disgrace to Vikings."

"They betrayed their own race."

"Silence!" Stoick commanded, effectively shutting everyone up. All of the fighters and councilmembers were gathered around the great table in the town hall, discussing the recent events. The room was packed with other inhabitants of Berk, who wanted to see what decision the Chief would make.

"I'm sure you all know by now, but we are here to talk about the Night Fury and its riders." The hall that was silent suddenly became loud, as people were yelling at Stoick.

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