The Date (Part 2)

Start from the beginning

He made the first move, in some freak decision I'm sure, and I couldn't push away such an open and hopeful kiss. There was a tiny part of Alec that really wanted this too, but it was pushed to the side. This wasn't happening. I wouldn't let Alec force himself into anything that he wasn't 100 percent comfortable.

"Alexander" I whispered gently pushing him away. It was enough to send him reeling back away from me; it broke my heart. "Alec-Alec don't. Hold on. Listen to me please... I... Really like you-"

He groaned and covered his face looking close to tears. "But not in that way I get it I'm so sor-"

"No no no let me finish" I snapped silencing him. He looked so scared and confused as he peeked through his fingers timidly. I reach over and took his hand away from his face gently.

"I really like you. More than I've liked someone in centuries, you may think I'm exaggerating but I mean literally centuries. I want this to be perfect. I want you to experience you're first relationship. I want this to go well. Don't pressure yourself just take your time." He looks like he might pass out or hug me, maybe both.

He opts for the later and throws his arms around him which catches me off guard. "Thank you..." he whispered like I was some glorified hero.

"Alexander I'm not to thank." I laugh and push him away slightly. "Let's finish the movie. Want anything to drink now? I'm getting up."

He orders water, only since I'm getting up and offering to get it other wise I think he'd dehydrate himself before he asked me. I promise him silently that some day he'll be the one getting the drinks for us. Someday he'll be comfortable. I swear.

Alec's POV

When Magnus came back I laid next to him as we finished the movie. He put his arm around me and I closed my eyes slowly.

I must have fallen asleep because I was woken up in the best way possible. A kiss. I came to and smiled happily as he pulled away. "Hey... Did I fall asleep?"

"It doesn't matter. You looked cute so I just had to kiss you" he smiled down at me

I smiled a little back but felt my face heating up. "What time is it?"

"Late" Magnus sighed as he stood up to stretch. His shirt riding up slightly almost made me forget my problem.

".... I-I mean specifically?" I said trying not to blatantly stare.

"11:30 to be specific" he laughed softly looking over at me but suddenly I paled. I didn't mean to stay this long!!

I cursed and scrambled up running to get my shoes on. "I'm sorry I'm so sorry I was supposed to be home an hour ago!" I checked my phone. 22 missed calls from Jace. Crap.

"It's ok I understand" he said softly coming over to me. I was turned by my shoulders to face him and met with those stunning amber eyes of his. They were truly gorgeous and I suddenly felt that it didn't matter if I was late or not. "Can I at least get a goodnight kiss?" he smiled.

I nodded and quickly obliged stepping closer and slinging my arms around his neck. We seemed to fit together perfect, my feet in between his and his arms on my hips. I felt dizzy with happiness as I went slightly on my toes to reach him better but all too soon he was pulling away. "I'll see you soon? Call me please I really enjoyed tonight." he said smiling widely as he pulled away.

All I could do was nodded and stumble blindly out the door. He watched me go down the stairs with a dreamy smile plastered on his face as I'm sure there was one on mine too. As soon as I was out the buildings door I ran. I had so much adrenaline pumping that I probably could have run to time square and back. So many things were going through my head. I kissed a boy. A few times actually. I slept in his arms on his couch then proceeded to be late home. I was scared, excited, nervous, and unsure of the future but for this moment one thing I knew for sure.

I went on a killer date with Magnus Bane.


You don't have to read this! This is merely info on my updating schedule.

Hey guys just thought I'd say hi and thank you!! This week was one of the longest of my life for so many reasons but the main one was because I couldn't update yet and I really wanted to! I think (don't get your hopes up) that I'll try to update every Sunday and Wednesday because I can do that. But I may be starting another story that I'll post on Wednesday so we'll see. Thank you my little sea biscuits!! Hope you enjoy!

One other side note I hate this chapter and I will probably go back and edit it a lot because so don't get your hopes up if you see and random update its me just trying to fix these two chapters.

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