Run Away: Chapter 11

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  Run Away: Chapter 11

Seated on your bed, all you can do is cry. You feel responsible for everything that has happened...for Shadow. "I did this........I should have NEVER let Sonic bring me here. I should have just kept going..." you tell yourself. You look out the window. It's cloudy and raining. "It's just like the day I came here. I........." you look at the door. You grab a piece of paper and pen, quickly write a short note and lay it on your bed. Quietly, you walk over to the door and unlock it. Then, you slowly walk over to your window. The rain begins to fall harder. Looking back at your door, a tear falls down your cheek. You lift the latch off your window and jump out, shutting it back behind you. You begin to run, the squishing below your feet. "It's better if I matter what they say. Maybe I can make a deal with Eggman to not hurt Sonic and the others," you tell yourself. The closer you get, the harder you cry, "Good bye...everyone and thank you."

Back at the house Shadow starts to wake up. "Mmmmhhhhaaaa.....damn," he grunts. "'re up Faker," Sonic says to him. "Yeah I am Blue. Wait, where's _____?" He asks, worried. "She locked herself in her room. She was devastated about what happen to you," Sonic explains. "Why? I didn't want Eggman to take her...I...I didn't want that," Shadow says, looking down the hall towards your room. "Well, I think if you go talk to her maybe she will come out. I'm really worried about her Shadow," Sonic continues. Shadow nods, slowly getting up. Still a little sore, he goes to your door. He knocks, but with no answer. "______, you in there?" he asks. Still, no answer. "Maybe she's asleep," he thinks, "I'll just peek in and check on her." He places his hand on the knob and slowly opens the door. "WHAT?!" He is shocked when he finds that you are nowhere to be found. He sees the note on the bed and rushes over to read it. "I'm greatly sorry. It was a mistake for me to let you guys take me in. I don't want anyone else getting Shadow. I feel so guilty for the things that have happened because of me. I hope he can forgive me. Thank you all, for everything you've done for me. I hate to say it, but this is good bye, _______" Shadow crumbles the paper in his hand. "Shit...._____ ,what the hell are you thinking?" he says as he runs out the door. "SHE'S GONE!" Shadow yells. "What? She's gone?" Sonic ask. He hands him the note. "Oh no! Where......." Sonic begins, "No, I know...Eggman...she going to him." They all look at him. "Who knows how long she been gone..." Knuckles says. "We can find her," Tails says. "HOW?" Shadow asks, short tempered, walking toward Tails. "Remember that wrist band I gave her? Well, there's a tracking device in it, just in case Eggman ever took her," Tails says as Shadow stops in front of him, "Let me get the monitor.

(Meanwhile) You finally find your way back to your former prison. You walk to the front gate. A guard bot stops you with his gun pointed at your head. "WAIT!" you yell, "I want to talk to Eggman. I'm _____ , he's been looking for me..." Praying you don't become barbeque, the bot lowers the gun. "Subject 0013____ .I will connect you to Eggman." With a buzz and a pop, a screen appears on his chest. "HAHAHAHAH! Well, well, well...if it isn't my dear, _____. How nice it is to see you." You just look down, "I'm here to turn myself in, but ONLY on one condition..." "And what might that be?" he ask looking at you with a gleam in his glasses. "You do NOT hurt Sonic, or the others. I will do whatever you want," you reply as tears build in your eyes. "I want world can help me with that girl," he smiles an evil grin. "I will help you...just don't hurt them, please" you beg. "Fine, I'm at my main fort. Just follow 2993.He will send you here by train. Oh, and one more thing, bring this with you." the bot hands you a yellow chaos emerald. You take it and hold it in both hands. You feel a tingling flow into your body. You gaze into it and see a pulsing glow deep inside. "Let's go," orders the robot. You follow him into an underground tunnel. The cool stale air gives you chills.

(Back to our hero's) Tails looks at a screen. "She's back at the forest fort, but it looks like she's heading towards Eggman's train." he says pointing at a bleep traveling across the map. "We have to get her back." Sonic demands. A voice bellows through the house, "CHAOS CONTROL!" With that, Shadow was already gone. "Damn it, Shadow! Come on guys, we've got to go, NOW," Sonic yells out. They all head for the plane.

(Back to you) Shadow reaches the door of the tunnel and looks around. "She has to be down there. Stupid girl, I'm coming for you," he says aloud and takes of running down the tunnel. You sit on the floor of a cargo hold, your knees pulled close to your chest. You look at the yellow gem in your hand. As the train takes off, you feel the car begin to rock back and forth. You lay your head down on your knees and wonder how everyone is doing. "Don't think about it, _____. They are better off without you," you tell yourself. You lift your head up to the sound of something running on the roof of your car. "Huh? What is that?" you say out loud. The top panel opens up and down jumps "Shadow!?" you ask jumping to your feet. He walks over to you and grabs your arm. "Let's go, ____. I'm getting you out of here," he commands. "No Shadow. I'm not going...I'm not letting you, or anybody else get hurt! I'm taking control so nothing else bad happens," you tell him." Quit being naive, ____" he snips at you. You just look at him. "I'm going Shadow." you snip back. "Eggman will destroy you and everyone else and I WILL NOT let that happen," you get close to him, yelling in his face. You're nose to nose with Shadow. He grabs your other arm, now holding them both. You can see anger and sadness in his eyes. Suddenly, you both hear an ear piercing sound. The entire train jerks, it was an explosion...Shadow's thrown against the wall, pulling you into him. Shocked, your eyes open wide. Your lips were on his. He looks at you, surprised...but he doesn't pull away. He closes his eyes and pulls you in a little more. You're in shock, then "Ooowww!" Shadow quickly turns his head, "What the hell was that? It felt like I was shocked buy something..." he says. You just stare at him, your face glowing red. You both look you when you hear a sound from the roof like ripping metal. You quickly jump off of Shadow. You both look in opposite directions, as the roof goes flying off. Sonic jumps in with a here I am kind of smile, "Hey there, what's going on?" he ask, looking at you. You just put you hand to your lips, standing in silence.

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