2- Phil Lester

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I was gay. That, I was certain of.

I was also certain that if my family were to find out, I would be disowned. My mother and father believed that God and his way was the only way to be a 'civilized person'.

We'd just moved to London from a small city called Rawtenstall and my parents had immeadiately told me that I was to go out and, eventually, buy my own flat, marry the girl of my dreams and so on.

So here I was, a scrawny, pale boy seeking refuge from the cold in a small coffee shop.

I rubbed my oversized hands together in the hopes of regaining feeling in my fingertips, trying to fold inside myself for warmth. It smelled of coffee and cinnamon, a comforting scent.

I heard a thunk and looked up to see that a large brunette guy had fallen in a puddle of coffee. Or rather, had been punched into the puddle of coffee that now covered his backside. A bunch of men came and stepped in between two guys, one of which was standing with a furious expression and one was swimming a pool of warm liquid and stars.

"Get out of here before I call the cops!" Someone- pressumably the manager- yelled at the blonde, who then proceeded to dump his coffee on the ground and storm out in a hurry.

And me being me, of course, followed him. I'd always been considered a people person, which rang true. I wrapped my stripped scarf around my neck and bolted out into the snow after him.

"Hey, wait up!" I yelled to the guy, struggling to keep my balance on the ice that led up the pathway, what with my two left feet.

He turned around and scowled at me ferociously. And let me say, he could have been very attractive. When I say could have been, I mean in his current state he looked like had gotten run over. Twice. "Do I know you?"

"I don't think so." I shook my head at the ground. My breaths came out in ragged puffs that turned white in the wind. "I wanted to see if you were alright."

"Yea, yes I'm fine." He mumbled, turning away and continuing on his walk. We were both the same height, and he seemed annoyed by the fact that I was keeping pace with him.

"He's wrong, you know." I sighed. "I mean, that guy back there- he had no right to call you something like that." I gestured to the coffee house. Even to my own ears, it sounded strange.

He just shook his head and laughed a forced laugh. "You mean gay?" I flinched at the word. "It's true for all you know."

"I just mean it's none of his buisiness." I mumbled.

"Oh and it is your buisiness?"

I shook my head sheepishly. "Well n-no not really. Look I'm just trying to be nice, you know. I just moved to London from Rawtenstall." I explained quickly.

He looked down, running a hand through his long blonde hair. We made eye contact and I gave him a genuine smile. And for a moment, I saw a tiny smile on his mouth.

"I'm Caspar." He said after a moment of silence. I grinned to myself.

"Nice to meet you," I stuck out a hand to shake, which he seemed in no hurry to do. I withdrew my hand after a moment. "I'm Phil."

He looked up at me curiously, his blue eyes tracing me carefully as I walked. I self consciously hugged my arms to my chest.

"Do you live around here?" I asked. He nodded once and shoved his hands into his pockets.

"Um, yea. I've got my own flat around the corner there." He said, pointing behind us in the opposite direction to where I was staying. "You?"

"I live with my parents. That way." I sighed and gesturing towards my parent's two bedroom house.

"Your parents?" He let out a breathy laugh. "That's gotta suck. I don't know what I would do if I got stuck up my mum's ass like that."

I cringed. "It does, but they've told me that I need to find somewhere else to live, and soon." I mumbled the last bit and shook my head.

Caspar opened his mouth and closed it again, apparently deciding not to speak.

"I.. uh..." He started, rubbing the back of his neck nervously. "I've got an extra bed. I mean, if you're interested. I could use the help. You know paying rent and what not."

He shuffled his feet nervously. A huge grin broke out on my face. "That'd be great, mate! Are you sure? I don't want to impose or-"

"N-no!" He cleared his throat sheepishly. "No. I really mean it."

I clapped him on the back, seeing him flinch violently. "Um, yea. So you want to go over rent and such sometime?"

"Yea. I'm free most days." He looked at the ground and shuffled his feet.

"Okay, cool. Here's my cell number." I said, pulling out a small notepad. "Call me."

He turned a slight shade of pink. "I-I'd better be off.."

"Oh, yea me too. Sorry for keeping you." I laughed, feeling blood rush to my face.

He gave a slight smile and walked towards his house, soon to be our's.

"Caaaaspar!" I groaned, lugging a second heavy box up the front steps into the flat.

"Oh shut up." He smiled, walking in behind me. "I'm helping and this is all your stuff."

I smiled sheepishly and slid the box into my new home. It smelled like Caspar- pine mint and tea.

When I'd gotten the call from Caspar 2 weeks ago asking if I wanted to move in, I was elated. Finally, I'd be rid of my mother and her nagging habits.

We'd become good friends, and I'm pretty much sure that was all we'd ever be.

I plopped down on his sofa, kicking my feet up on the coffee table and resting my arms behind my head.

"Tea?" Caspar asked from in the small kitchen.

"Please. I'm exhausted." I moaned.

He laughed.

"Hey, Phil?" He asked, walking into the room with 2 cups of tea.


"You're gay, aren't you?" Caspar asked out of the blue.

My heart dropped into my stomach and I felt sick. I'd never actually 'came out' to anyone, and honestly I didn't even want to admit to being gay.

"I... um... I dunno what you're on abou-"

"Save it." He said. "You can't fool me bud." He slapped my leg. "Don't worry, mate. It's our secret."

My mouth dropped open in shock. He chuckled, pushing up from the sofa and walking back into the kitchen.

"Oh, and Phil?" He stuck his head out of the kitchen doorframe. "I'm glad you're here."

A/N: I think this story is more sucessful then I thought it would be. Review please, I need constructive criticism!

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