~Chapter 22~

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Seline's POV:

The beach was so much fun! We had a picnic and then we all went in the water. Holland and I covered Dylan in sand as he laid down. Then at one point we all just chilled on the blankets that they brought and talked for about an hour. We took lots of selfies too. It was nice because there was not a lot of people there. There were a few girls that came up to Dylan and Holland and asked for autographs and pictures. The girls just gave me this look like "Who the hell are you and why are you with Dylan O'Brien and Holland Roden?" It didn't really bug me though. I was having lots of fun for like the first time in my life so I'm not going to let these looks I'm getting ruin my fun. Now we are on our way to my house.

"Are you excited for Teen Wolf?" Dylan asks Holland.

'Oh I totally forgot...what day do we start filming again?' She asks.


'Oh right, ya I'm excited'

"How about you?"

'Yeah I am. I honestly love doing what I do because I am always learning something new. You can never know everything because there is always more. You know what I mean?' Dylan replies.

Holland nods her head and smiles at Dylan.

'Hey Seline what school do you go to?' Holland asks.

"I go to West Side School'

P.S: I made this school up. It isn't real.

'That's a nice school'

"It's okay" I reply with a smile to lighten up my sentence.

'Did you have fun at the beach?' Dylan asks me as he takes a quick look back at me from the drivers seat.

"Yeah I had lots of fun! Thanks for the bathing suit it's so pretty"

'Ya no problem!' He replies.

"I also had lots of fun with Holland at the mall too. Hey Holland did you end up buying that dress?" I wiggle my eyebrows at her.

'Actually....I did'

"Oh my god really!? Hahaha Dylan you're going to love it"

'Why?' He says confused.

"You just will" I say and Holland laughs.

That dress honestly is going to look so good on her. God I wished I looked like her.

Holland turns up the radio and we all start singing to the songs.

It was such an amazing moment. The windows down making the wind frantically brush my hair in all directions. The music loud to the max. Holland, Dylan and I singing, dancing, smiling and laughing. It was great. But that moment soon was crushed once we reach my house...

We said our good byes and hugged.

"We should do this again some time" Holland says.

'Yes we are going to do this again for sure it was so much fun' Says Dylan.

"Thank you so much guys for everything I had such a great day. I can't thank you both enough" I say before hugging them again.

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