The Start

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*Authors note- Please remember the remainder of the story is in Barry's POV*

I woke up to my phone buzzing. Caitlin was calling. I groaned and answered. Another meta-human. I was up in my Flash suit running to catch another meta-human at six o'clock in the morning. I found the meta-human. It was Peek-A-Boo, a teleporting meta-human that escaped in a failed attempt at transporting her. It was still dark out. I smashed the street lights, cutting the light source so she couldn't teleport. I caught her and sent her to the meta-human wing of Iron Heights. I ran through Central City looking at the empty streets and buildings. I saw the sunrise on my way back to S.T.A.R Labs. I hadn't seen the sunrise in so long. I ran into the cortex and took off my Flash suit and put on my regular clothes. 

"Why are you at work so early?" Barry asked, yawning.

"Just in case a meta-human showed up," Caitlin said, defensively.

I didn't want to leave Caitlin alone so, Caitlin and I sat together for hours waiting for Cisco to show up. I was bored, very bored. Caitlin barely talked to me, she just stared at me. Thankfully, Cisco showed up and broke the awkward silence. The three of us sat in the cortex talking to each other, waiting for a crime to happen. The computers went wild. Break in at a local supermarket. I ran to the site of the crime. I got the civilians inside to safety before attending to the robber. I confronted the robber, who had a gun. I caught a few bullets, thanks to my super speed. I ran towards him to grab him. He fired his gun at me. I tried to dodge it, but it still pierced my skin. I stopped running and looked at my torso where the wound was bleeding out. I ran away. I ran towards S.T.A.R Labs in pain. I was bleeding out. The closer I came to S.T.A.R Labs, the more my vision started to blur. I got to the cortex and collapsed on the floor. 

I slowly opened my eyes. My torso was still in pain. I saw Caitlin come running in with Joe. I looked at the clock. I had only passed out for two hours. 

"OH THANK GODS YOU'RE OK! I thought we were going to lose you," She said lowering her voice.

"Hey. I'm alive and ok. Don't worry," I told her, calming her down. 

 I was still really sore from being shot, but I got out of the hospital bed anyways and changed into my normal clothes. I hung around S.T.A.R. Labs for the rest of the day, allowing the police to get the normal crimes. I was really hoping that all the meta-humans could just cancel for the day so I can rest. 

At the end of the day, I went back home with Joe and we planned on doing movie night after dinner. Iris was going out to dinner with some friends from Picture News, which meant me and Joe could have the house to ourselves. As we ate dinner, Joe and I talked about the police station, S.T.A.R. Labs, and Iris. 

At the very end of dinner, Joe asked, "Do you still like Iris?"

I replied with a very simple no. This time, I was telling the truth. I had finally gotten over Iris. 

"Have you seen the way Caitlin looks and talks to you versus everyone else?" Joe asked curiously. 

I just shook and lowered my head. I guess she did look and talk to me differently. 

"I know for a fact that girl likes you, but my real question is have you realized you like her too?" Joe asked.

I never really thought about it. Thinking about it now I realized we act like a couple minus the hugging and kissing. I had always made sure she was ok before anyone else, we tease each other, we had both been protective of each other, and we are so alike yet so different. I do like her. 

"I never really thought about it, but now that I am, I guess I do like her," I admitted.

Joe smiled at me and started to clean up the table. In the middle of cleaning off the table, both mine and Joe's phones buzzed. The robber that had shot me earlier was spotted and supposedly killed someone. I got in the car with Joe and we drove to the site of the murder. While n the car I called Caitlin to inform her on the situation. While I was on the phone with her Joe kept smiling and laughing at me.

"What?" I asked.

"It's just, now that you realize you like her you seem so much happier when you talk to her. And I also know that you only called because you wanted to hear her voice." Joe said laughing.

I blushed and buried my head into my knees. He was right. 

When we got to the site I analyzed the body. I looked at the victims wound, it was in the same spot as mine.He had bled out like I would've done if I didn't have Caitlin. I clutched the place where the wound once was. I was still sore from the gunshot.

"Are you ok Allen?" Captain Singh asked.

I nodded and went back to analyzing the victim. Joe came over to me and asked what was up. I explained how he was shot in the same exact same spot and he died from bleeding out, just I would've done if Caitlin hadn't saved me. Joe smiled at the last part. We were both confused. The chances of the same exact wound in the same exact spot are slim to none. After our night investigation, Joe and I went home to tired for movie night. 


Dear readers,

Ahhh! The first real part is out! Is it good? Please leave comments down below I would love feedback.

So Barry finally realized he likes Caitlin! If only it could be this easy in the show. By the way, fun fact, the reasons Barry figured out he liked Caitlin (they protect each other, they tease each other, etc.) are reasons I have seen in the show so far. I need SnowBarry to happen in the show.

I'll try posting two chapters a day.

Follow me on Instagram- flash.xoxo

Love the author,

Elly :)

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