“ What was that about Sam?” I stared at him incredulously.

“ It appears that Rory has a crush on you,” He looked annoyed about it, why in the hell would he be annoyed about it “ he doesn’t like me being such a close friend of yours he thinks I’ll steal you from him” he laughed

“ Okay, come on seriously, Rory, he isn’t my type.” I laughed.

“ Good” Sam stated and the conversation disbanded about the subject. We talked about school and making plans to do stuff in the school holiday coming up in a few weeks. My mind kept flashing back to the stares between Rory and Sam, why was Sam being so protective over me. I mean we had both dated people and never really been bothered about it. I don’t even like Rory, he kind of freaks me out a little. We arrive at school and socialise with our friends the bell goes and I say my goodbyes to Sam and the others and head to English, double how fun, ah well, we are watching of mice and men so I settle into my chair and watch the film, its actually pretty good, it turn to my friend Lacy beside me half way through and see tears falling down her cheeks.

“ Why are you crying?” I urgently whisper to her

“ Why did the dog have to die, it never did anything wrong?” she sobbed, trust Lacy the animal lover to cry at that. I patted her on the back and she stopped crying and carried on watching the film. The bell went before we got to the end of the film and everyone rushes out the door before the teacher even has a chance to dismiss her, I head to the field, dumping my bag down as a goal past and walk up to the boys.

“ Yo, Maya, wanna be on my team?” Nate shouted to me as I wandered up to them.

“ Sure,” I smiled and he passed the ball to me, we played kick about until everyone got there.

“ Sam, come on my team” Jay commanded of Sam. Sam nodded and smiled at me. We were on opposite teams for once.

“ Yo, we have finally split them up, lets see how they are against each other” Nate shouted to the teams I laughed and shoved him. We played, I tackled the boys resisting the natural instinct to pass the ball to Sam. Half way through Sam walked to the edge, and sat down, his head between his knees. I kept playing for a minute or so scoring a goal before walking over to him and sitting beside him cross legged.

“ You feeling iffy?” I asked sympathetically.

“ Nah just a little dizzy I’m alright now, come on lets go play again, I wanna beat you!” He smiled but he looked pale and tired. I sighed and followed but the bell went before we could reach them.

“ Game continues at lunch be there.” Jay commanded, you don’t argue with Jay unless you want trouble but once you get to know him he is quite a good laugh. I play football with the boys everyday, I know its not my favourite game but that doesn’t mean I’m not good at it, Sam plays because if you don’t you’re cast as gay and to be honest once someone says it once your street credit is nil.

“ Rightio maths time, you excited Maya, I know you are, look contain your excitement girl” he started shaking me, laughing I pushed him back and he backed into a girl and she smiled in a flirty way at him but he ignored her. I jealously gave her evils. Okay, I know I moaned about Sam being protective earlier but he doesn’t feel the way I do. I actually love him.

I walked ahead and he followed, the pushed my way through the sweaty crowd, that’s the worst thing about school, the crowds on the stair cases, its quite scary sometimes especially when a fight breaks out between the boys then basically you get in the middle or you fall down the stairs, like now with a fight between Jay our friend and some bulky year eleven with his hair slicked back with gel, though to be honest it looked disgustingly greasy, he rolled his sleeves up menacingly, Jay standing in the crowd a smug look on his face arms crossed.

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