Ian's Speech ~ Smosh Fanfiction

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*Hey guys, I'm really excited to release this one. It's no Ianthony and nothing romantic, just cute best friendness. I really hope you like it.
Fluffie xx*

Anthony's POV

It had been a beautiful day, and Kalel's dad's speech had come to a close. I'd done mine first, which was nerve-wracking but rewarding. Everyone seemed to enjoy it, and laughed a lot when I reminisced over my childhood, and shown some baby photos of me and Kalel.

The conversation had started back up, and Kalel, on my left side, had to chink her glass again using her left hand to hold her spoon, for her whole right arm was taken up by Kabuki, one of our very special wedding guests. Luckily, it worked and she managed to gain everyone's attention again.

Ian was on my right side of me, in his tuxedo, nervously shuffling through his cue cards. I'd seen him prepare for our biggest videos, for performing in front of 6000 people at Vidcon, and for asking Melanie, his girlfriend out on their first date, but he seemed more anxious and afraid for this one speech than any of those other situations. Before I had time to pat him on the back and reassure him, Kalel announced:

'Everyone? Everyone. Now Ian's going to make his best man's speech.'

Ian slowly rose out of his seat. Melanie, next to him in a gorgeous peach bridesmaid dress, and flowers in her hair, smiled widely at him, and then at me before leaning back with her glass of wine, and waiting for the speech. Ian smiled at her briefly and subsequently cleared his throat with one brief cough. He looked quickly at his cards before shoving them in his pocket and finally fixing his bow tie. Ian was ready to go...

'Well I hope you guys all enjoyed that meal. I'd definitely have enjoyed putting that meat in my mouth...weddings are always great, when you get that meat in your mouth...' Ian winked at me. 'But I had fish, so...' he trailed off, and everyone was already giggling. He straightened up to properly start his speech.

'Now what can I say about Anthony and Kalel?' He began, straightening his jacket.

'We can all see they get on. They already make a family. They technically have a sort-of lovechild, and that's Buki. It sounds crazy, but she's never left out of anything, especially her parent's wedding.' Ian turned to Kabuki, even though he's allergic, and gently stroked her head.

'As much as I have learnt and now know about Kalel, I have to admit I have a lot more to say about Anthony, as I've known him the longest,' Ian went on. 'Kalel, as we all know, loves cats. She adores anime, fantasy style clothes and video games. Anthony too loves anime, especially Pokemon, and video games. You can't deny that they were made for each other with their shared interests, and love of all things Japanese. And thank God that Anthony was so accepting of Kalel's cat...erm....obsession.'

Everyone giggled at that part. Kalel laughed so much that she let out a snort. I patted her on the back.

'I guess I better get on with our story, and a few thankyous. Anthony has been my best friend since sixth grade, when the teacher forced Anthony to work with me, the new kid. So I guess I'd better thank Mrs LeBrun for trying to get the new kid to make some actual friends.' Ian did a huge thumbs up to the sky.

'I hope you're not dead. Thanks, Miss. Our shared immature sense of humour caused us to become friends. I reckon Nickelodeon passed on that childish love of poop jokes to us- so cheers Nickelodeon. I'd also like to thank Joe, our old school friend, for saying 'Smosh Pit' instead of 'Mosh Pit', that one time, thus creating that inside joke, and Smosh.com.'

Joe, in the corner of the hall, with his girlfriend, smiled widely and gave Ian a thumbs up.

'I'd like to thank kids shows such as Pokemon, Power Rangers and Mortal Kombat for creating good theme songs and thus giving us inspiration for our earliest videos. These videos somehow made it to the popular page, and I still don't even know how that happened.'

Ian's Speech ~ Smosh FanfictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora