Chapter 5

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    I was sitting on my bed watching television. My phone was sitting next to me. It suddenly vibrated. I flipped it open to find a text from my stalker.

    You're boyfriend's cute when he's unconscious. I wonder how cute he'd be if he was covered in blood. Let's find out.

    I kept rereading the text, not believing it. I even tried to reply, but the stalker never texted back. I had to find him. Maybe the police could track his or Preston's phone. Maybe it won't be too late!

    I dialed 9-1-1.

    "Hello, this is 9-1-1, what is your emergency?" said the operator.

    "I have this stalker that's been texting me for three days now. He says he's going to kill me. I think he kid napped my boyfriend," I said quickly.

    "Okay, what's the number that has been sending you these texts?" she asked.

    I gave her the number.

    "Alright, miss, what's your boyfriend's name?"

    "Preston Capello. He's about 6 feet tall, dark blue eyes--"

    "Miss, we don't need to know those details just yet," the operator interrupted me.

    "Okay, and my name is Kylie Brenna. I live on 11 Birch Street in Emerald Falls, by the Ash River."

    "Okay, miss, I will contact to local police and see if we can track this man down," she said.

    "Wait! would it help if you had Preston's number, too? He might have his phone on him," I suggested.

    "Sure, that would be great."

    I gave her the number and then disconnected.

    Later, I decided to go out and sit by the river, one of my favorite place.

    My phone vibrated. Great.

    And you think calling the police will stop me? By the time they find me, Preston will be dead and your sister will be next. Surrender, give yourself to save your loved ones. You know where to find me, I'm having a ball of a time!

    A ball of a time? What was that supposed to mean?

    And then it hit me. When I was little, I would cross the river and through the forest was an abandon baseball diamond. I had to go there, if I could remember how.

    I dropped everything I had with me and found there I used to cross the river. There were rocks I used to step over. But since there was a lot of rain last week, the water was over the rocks and it was going fast.

    How was I going to do this?

    I removed my shoes and went barefoot. I waded through the strong current, stepping on unknown objects chest deep in the water.

    Suddenly, a great rush of water knocked me over and under the water. I was being carried by the water down the river, hitting rocks and debris. I was grabbing out for anything that would hold me. A sharp branch sliced my hand open and I scraped my knees on the bottom of the river. I'm grabbing out for something when a hand catches me.

    I'm getting pulled out of the water by a mysterious stranger. Once I'm out and on the side of the bank and done coughing up water, I look at the stranger. He was blonde and had green eyes. He was only a little taller than I was and built like a dancer, lean, long, strong, and beautiful.

    "Are you okay?" he says in a voice that sounds like music.

    "I was drownding in the river, do you think I'm okay?" I choked out.

    "What were you doing?!" he asked.

    "I was trying to cross it, I need to get somewhere. It's important, life or death situation." I tried to stand up but failed. The stranger helped me.   

    "I'm Warren,"he introduced himself.

    "Well it's fucking fantastic to meet you, Warren, but I've got to go." I tried to walk off but he caught my hand.

    "Do I have to pleasure to know your name? You're so lovely, I'd like to know you as something more than Jane Doe," Warren flirted.

    "Kylie, now let me go, I have to get somewhere!" I managed to get away from him and ran.

    I heard him yell something but I couldn't understand. I ran all the way to the field. There was no evidence of a struggle. I tip-toed around, trying to stay absolutely silent.

    Behind the backstop was a boarded up snack shack. The padlock on the door was cut. I was scared to look in, but I knew I had to.

    I slowly opened the door and saw red. The coppery smell of blood filled my nose. It looked like a scene out of a horror movie.

    I head breathing, fast, uneven breathing. I entered the tiny room further and say Preston on the floor, barely conscious. His eyes lit up when he was me.

    "Oh my God," I whispered and rushed to his side.

    "Why are you wet?" he asked me weakly.

    "Long story, I'll tell you later. We have to get out of here," I replied.

    "Kylie, run, it's a trap," he said urgently, in a low whisper meant just for me.

    "What?" I asked.

    "He's going to come back, he's going to kill us both! You have to get out. He went to go get something, I don't know what. But you have to get out of here, before it's too late," Preston explained.

    "Let me call the police first. I called before but we didn't know where you were." I dialed 9-1-1 and the same operator picked up. "It's me again, with the stalker, I know where they are, in the abandon baseball field on the west side of the river. I don't know how long we will be safe here, Preston says that the stalker left to get something."

    "Alright, the police are on the way," she said.

    We disconnected.

    I tried to help Preston up to get to somewhere safer when I heard a voice that I've heard before.

    "What do you think you're doing?"

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