Chapter 17 - Hello stupid couples

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Another week. Another partner.
My partners name was Max Jacobson. He was a short guy, raven black hair, squared shaped face and with odd hairstyle. He always wore glasses.
He wasn't very talkative.
So yeah, overall he was a nerd.
It was lunch, so Kristen, Charlotte, Riley and I were seated. I was having my sandwich.
"I have been paired with Donald, such a shame his last name isn't duckling, cause I swear I hear him quack all the time" Charlotte said.
She wasn't happy with whom she was paired with and I too am not very thrilled to work with my partner.
Riley snorted.
"My partners hot so I don't mind," he said.
I rolled my eyes.
That's all boys need. Hot.
"Mines fine too, what about yours Phoebe?," asked Kristen.
"He doesn't talk, other than that everything's okay," I said.
"Max, eh?," Riley asked.
I nodded.
"Oh you're screwed," I raised an eyebrow at him.
"Why?," I asked.
"You don't know?," Charlotte asked with disbelief.
"What? What do I not know?"
"He's got a girlfriend," Riley said.
"So, is that bad?,"
"She's, really really possessive," Charlotte said nodding.
"So possessive that the last girl whom Max had just talked with, had bruises all over her face and not to forget, a blue eye," Riley finished.
"Bad," I agreed.
"Watch out," Kristen warned.
I sighed.
This just keeps getting better and better.

"Hey Max," I said as I took a seat next to him.
A huge gap in between.
"Hey," he replied with no expression in his face or in his word.
"Ummmmm, so.... let's get started," I suggested.
He shrugged.
"Max?" I called.
He shot up his head at me with swollen red eyes and a really really angry face.
"Listen, girl, I just failed my exams, I'm trying to recover okay, and I already have a girlfriend, so if your trying to hit on me, don't even bother,"
I just stared at him. There were a lot of evil words I wanted to spit at him, but considering the fact that he had failed and was on a real bad state, I just let it go.
I didn't say anything, just waited until he had settled down.
Which he clearly didn't.
He would just mutter  incoherent words and slap himself.
Okay, this guy needs to visit a doctor.

It had been 3 days and I and my partner had done nothing. It was starting to irritate me. I had tried to approach him but he would just walk right through, like I didn't even exist.
If it would have been any other situation I wouldn't have even cared, but unfortunately out of all the people, he had to be my partner.
Why oh why.
I sighed (I had been sighing a lot lately)
I took a seat. Classes were about to start, so I took my book out. Just when a brunette walked to me. She was medium sized, wearing a really high heel, her make up was put on excess. It looked kinda funny. Her short dress exposed a little too much than necessary. Overall she was an unnatural beauty. She fluttered her eyebrows as she spoke.
"Your Phoebe, right?"
I nodded, confused.
Why would a girl like her talk to me.
She scanned me form head to tie with her eyes. Though I could tell she didn't like what she saw, cause all I was wearing was a grey long sleeved shirt and with a black pant and converse.
"I'll get straight to the point, my boyfriend is your partner," I rolled my eyes.
Why not.
"He's been telling me that you have a real bad habit,"
I raised an eyebrow.
"If you ever even look at him that way, I'll rip your eyes off,"
"Look, I have no in-,"
"And I mean it," she interrupted. Saying that much, she walked away, stomping her foot.
Gosh, give me a break.

Stomping my foot this time I stormed to the school cafeteria. Tomorrow was our performance and we still hadn't done anything. I was more than furious.
I searched for him.
There he is.
With his girlfriend laughing an eating his lunch.
I walked towards him caught the chair he was seated in and turned it making him face me.
"What the heck are you doing here, we have to practise," I said between gritted teeth.
He just rolled his eyes and looked at his girlfriend with a I-told-you-so look.
"Listen you chimp, what-," I have had enough of this.
"No, you listen, I've had enough of you both badmouthing me for an entire week, I just wanted to practise because I want to pass and unlike you both I believe in working hard to achieve greatness not just sitting back and sulking after failing," I looked straight into Max's eyes. Someone yelled 'Yeah' from the back. Must have been Charlotte, as the entire cafeteria had their eyes on us. Well, why wouldn't they.
"And I'd hate burst your bubble but I have no interest in your boyfriend, I have better things to do with life"
"Shut u-," Oh no, you don't talk right now, I do.
"And how unfortunate with the turn of events that of all the people he had to be my partner, you think I'm thrilled with that idea? No I'm not, but I'm helpless, as much as I'd like to change my partner you know I can't do that, so I'll be taking him, for now," I said and caught Max's collar and dragged him with me. The look on Olivia's face was priceless. The entire cafeteria was silent. The only sound was of me walking with a mouth hanging open Max, dragging him out.
When I reached the door I turned, as I had one more thing to say.
"Olivia, as I said before, we all have better things to do than be a watchdog and bark at every girl who just passes by your master right? In sure you do have better things to do," I said sarcastically and made my exit.

I bursted out........
"OH MY GOD, what did I just do!"
I practically dug my own grave.
Oh no, Oh no.
I didn't know what I was doing, I was so angry that I was blinded by it.
Deep breaths, phoebe, deep breaths.
"Ahhhhhhhh," this isn't working.
Anyway I have to perform today. I hope it'll be alright. Please God, have mercy on me.

I failed. I had failed.
By name wasn't on the board.
"All the failures please head towards the principles office immediately," the teacher announced.
I absentmindedly did as instructed.
A lot of people were gathered in the office.
"Oh my, what a lot," the principle said.
"My condolences, but as the last week failures this week too, in order to achieve what you have lost, you will be given a second chance, a punishment, refer to it as whatever you think of it as, you will prepare a dance in front of the teachers, along with the song, generous aren't we," he said smiling making me wish I could punch that smile out if him.
"Definitely a punishment," I muttered, walking back to the class.
Well, maybe. He was giving us a second chance. I better take of it as a golden opportunity. But it'd be a real pain.
Dancing? How was I suppose to dance?
Oh God.
Help me!
I entered the class, as soon as I did everyone had their eye on me. Maybe because of the stunt I had pulled yesterday.
I quickly sat on my desk and putting my head on the table, covered my face with my arms.
Someone tapped on my head, I looked up at the person. It was Kristen.
"Wow, that bad huh?"
"It sure is," I said, as I straightened my seating posture.
Kristen took a seat beside me.
"But seems like your luck is on full scale this week,"
"Huh, what do you mean?"
"You don't know?, Oh yeah you were are the principles office, this week your partner is Anton kruz," she said.
"What did you just say," No....
"You heard me,"
No, no, no, no.
This can't be happening. How am I supposed to focus or practise with him around after what had happened between us the last time we were together.
Plus, I had to prepare a dance.
This just keeps getting better and better.

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