Chapter two

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We finally made it to the hotel and I got out of the car, while Y/F/N went to Check us In. That was like 15 minutes ago. Ugh....where is she?

"How is it so bloody hard to check into a hotel.?" I mumble to myself.

"Well you try being flirted my a 40 year old, then you tell me!!" I heard Y/F/N yell. I quickly turn around.

"Oh my shucking god Y/F/N are you alright. He didn't touch you did he?" I was completely worried that he had try to do something to her.

"No, but he did try to touch my arse and I kicked him in the balls. So no worries there." She laughed at what she had said.

I sighed in relief that she was fine. "And this is why your my Y/F/N." I said giggling.

"Good, you had me worried." Y/F/N said while dragging her hands over her checks, which made her look funny.

"Shut you arse. Let's just got to are room."

"Yeah" she agreed and we grabbed are stuff and headed from our room.


"WHY DID YOU HAVE TO DROP THAT BLOODY THING ON MY FOOT!!!" I scream at Y/F/N because she dropped her HEAVY suitcase on my left foot. Which hurt shucking bad.

"Well why was you foot were my suitcase was." She replied back acting like a child by having her hands in front of her and swaying back and forth.


"Well next time watch were you stick you foot."

"YOUR AN ARSE!!!!!" I say stomping off to my room.

"Love you too Y/N." I hear Y/F/N

I flip her off and scream "FUCK YOU Y/F/N!!!!"

"STOP ACTING SO MUCH LIKE LUKE AND MICHAEL!!!!!!" She screamed back through the kitchen.

Yeah, sure, I don't a act like them. Not one bit. Maybe going for walk will be a good idea. I don't really know, I just need to think. After about 3 minutes I finally got of me lazy Arse of mine and walked out of the hotel room.

"Ugh...why does she have to be so annoying like that." I mumble to myself. Pulling out my phone I look at the time, it was 3:45. Great, that's amazing, I have some time to look around. I will look more tomorrow.

"man, am I hungry." Right when I said that I ran into someone which caused me to fall down on top of them. Guess they weren't paying attention either. I then snapped out of my thoughts when I saw who I was Startling. ( A/N. Sorry if I missed spelled it. My auto correct doesn't want to work with me.).


Niall's POV.

Me and the guys say in front of the tv each watching tv and eating Pizza. Next thing we heard someone next door yell.
"WHY DID YOU HAVE TO THAT BLOODY THING ON MY FOOT!!!" We heard from next door. Sounds like a young girl.

"What/who do you think she's yelling at?" Harry asks. Man isn't he just the noisiest person I have EVER met.

"I don't know Harry but it's non of our business, now is it?" I say. I wanna know just as bad but I keep that to myself.

"Niall's right, we have no right to ease drop on them." Liam stated not looking away from what Louis was showing him.

"We're not ease dropping just listening to what they are saying." Harry sat there looking at all of us, hoping we let him listen.

"No, you can but I'm not. I'm going to get a drink." I say standing up.

"MY FOOT WAS THERE FIRST!!" We all looked at each other confused about why they were arguing about a foot.

"YOUR AND ARSE." We heard the girl yell again, followed by a door being slammed shut. Then there was Another person yelling. But not in a mean way, more in a way that she was trying to get her to hear her. "STOP ACTING LIKE LUKE HEMMINGS AND MICHAEL CLIFFORD!!!" Her friend?, said.

That's when we all looked at each other shocked that they might know them in person. Next thing you know I said "Hey guys, I'm gonna go for a walk.".

"I'll come too." Louis said standing up.

"No. I'm fine I don't need company." I say, then noticed a sad look on Louis's face. I-it looked like he was about to cry.

"Okay that fine...Niall...but promise when you come back we can walk together?" He says looking up, which I think he looked like if he didn't shut up he would cry.

"I Promise." I say walking out of the door. Once I do I'm knocked down to the ground by a girl. She sits there startling ( A/N. Sorry again.) my waist. I just looked up at her and then she freaks out.


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