Chapter Stones

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@Jazzmatazz17: What happened between you and Becca that made her harbor hatred for you and Bree? When did you and Becca get together and "make" Callan? Do you think Bree is still alive?

Chapter: Becca was the kind of girl who hated a lot of things, but only when the moment called for it. She didn't hate me until it was convenient, so to speak.

Chapter: When, you ask? It was a night, 4 years ago. I was sixteen. That's when, love.

Chapter: I'd like to believe Bree isn't alive, because I watched her get shot right before my eyes. The possibility of her being alive after that is a can of worms I'm not too keen on opening.

@jaystabler: Also, how will you cope without Foster? Will you put on a brace front to protect the others (mostly Em) or will you fall apart?

Chapter: I'll cope as best as I can. I've lost a best friend before this, so carrying on the way I did with Bree seems like the best option.

Chapter: I already have a mask. My emotions don't need to become one––faking happiness might becoming faking excitement, or faking benevolence, or faking love. Why fake any of it? If we fall apart, that's a natural reaction. It's part of the process.

@xxUmbrella_Face: Why are you so beautiful and lovely? What's your secret? Can you get me some of whatever made you so fabulous? P.S. I already know about the Fisserax (Did I spell that right?) but what can I do with the resources I have NOW?

Chapter: Why, Adriana, I think you're beautiful and lovely for saying that. Any outer beauty you're talking about is probably the Fissarex. Anything else, I suppose, is from me. I'm not sure how to get you some of it––why don't we get together sometime and talk about what makes you so lovely?

@fatigues: who did you think was going to die? do you think foster is dead or just gone?

Chapter: Honestly, I thought it would either be Kaytee, Race, or me. Either someone on the bottom of the Volx or someone on the top. I know Emeray might've been on top of the Volx by the time we entered the Fishbowl, but I didn't want to consider that. Who would?

Chapter: Considering how I can't get the picture of him slumped over that table in the Fishbowl out of my mind, I don't think he's "just gone," as favorable as that would be.

@Kenya1207: What is your complete feelings for Emeray? Would you want to marry her? What was your relationship with Rebecca like? If you died who would you want to take care of Calllan for you?

Chapter: I love her. I'll spare you the sonnets.

Chapter: You'd like that? Marriage? I think we're a little young for now.

Chapter: Rebecca was a girl I saw and heard a lot of. She was older than me. There wasn't much of a relationship, actually. I don't know. It was so long ago, and so much has happened since then.

Chapter: If I ever died, I'd hope all of the Famoux would take care of him. Callan already thinks of them as aunts and uncles.

@fahirafvn: what is your theory on freedom? p.s I love yr theories, I think the goodbye one was the best

Chapter: Hmm, freedom. Sounds like something you'll hear a whole lot about soon, love.

Author's Input: That's a theory for another book. EXCITEMENT.

@tttttasha: When did you know you loved Em?

Chapter: She walked up to me at that nightclub Ace, all alone, and tapped on my shoulder. I don't know what happened. It clicked. Didn't I kiss her that night?

The FamouxOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz