touch me

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Ashton and I hadn't gone further than kissing here and there and it had been two weeks.
Soon I started to think I might had done something wrong or Ashton just didn't want to do anything related to sēx with me, which was actually weird, thinking this could have been a possibility.

I wasn't sure if telling him about my thoughts would have helped or he would have wanted to hear about it. However, due to feeling like a bad submissive I decided to talk to my dominant.

"Daddy" I started, my eyes wide and as innocent as possible when I looked at the man on whom's lap I was sitting. "I've been thinking-"

"About?" Ashton interrupted because he thought I was done but actually I was just taking a moment to breathe and find the right words. I wasn't upset about it though.

"Do-do you find me attractive? Like sexually attractive?"

Anyone could have seen how much difficulties Ashton had with holding back from laughing. "Why else would you be here with me right now princess, as my submissive."

"But -I don't get it." With a sigh my hands wandered down from Ashton's shoulders to the first two buttons of his shirt with which I started to play nervously.

Ashton noticed my unhappy mood and brought his finger underneath my chin to lift my face up. "No frowning sweetheart, you're too beautiful." He looked me directly in the eyes and smiled so brightly, his smile surely could have cured any illness.

Without further ado I wrapped my arms around the mans torso and snuggled my face into his shirt. Therefore my words came out more in a mumble than a proper sound. "I wanna play daddy - why haven't we played yet?"

At first I truly believed that Ashton didn't hear me so I just pretended that nothing had happened and kept hugging the man, however, it actually took him some time to respond. My dominant pushed me back gently so that I had to unwrap my arms from him, he then lifted me up so that I was standing right in front of him. "You shouldn't be needy", he said, "that's unattractive."

I apologised right away because I didn't want Ashton to be disappointed in me or just the slightest bit mad. He was standing up as well and grabbed my waist with his large hands. And when I didn't want to stop talking and coming up with ways to say sorry he kissed me hard, biting my bottom lip before departing our lips.

He kept quiet as he lifted me up and carried me to my room, probably to bring me to bed because it was already past eleven in the night and we both have had a long day at work.
When putting me down on my bed he covered me with my duvet and kissed my forehead.

"Our first playtime should be special," he whispered softly to me while being sat on the edge of the bed right next to me, "and worth to remember. There are dominants that fūck their new submissive in the first night, and they don't let out on any kinks or don't make sure that they take care of their subs."

I knew that Ashton wasn't done with talking, yet I still interrupted him. "But you're not like the others?"

"Not in all points no. And because I'm your first dominant I feel like it's my job to take extra good care of you. I actually wanted to wait a little longer until first touching you but if you feel like you're ready I'm more than happy to play. Why don't we go out tomorrow and when we-"

"For real?", I interrupted again even though I knew that Ashton didn't like when I wouldn't let him come to the end.

"Calum Thomas Hood.", he warned with a louder and deeper voice than before.

"I'm sorry daddy, I'm just a little excited, excuse my eagerness?"

Ashton told me that it was fine this once but for future times I would need to deal with consequences. After telling me this he placed another kiss on my forehead and wished me sweet dreams and a good night.

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