The beginning

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Just so everyone knows this story my have some freaky content so beware!

Hi, my name is Elizabeth Tafatt. I am 11 years old and I have bad dreams. Every night I have a.... Dream, that feels realer and realer every night and I don't know what to do. I'm scared. My parents know nothing of them, all they know is every day I wake up at exactly 4:39 am.

The, nightmare, I have is about this man. He's faceless. When the dream starts I am in a forest and it is so cold I can feel it in my bones. I'm out in the wilderness and all I hear is the wind and howls of wolves. I start walking through the forest barefoot and I feel someone behind me, Slenderman. That's what I call him, because when I turn around he has a white mask on and he is very skinny and very tall. He's towering over me. I don't know what to do. He scares me. I try running but he always catches up. He walks faster than I run and I'm not able to get away. Right before I wake up he grabs me and shakes me I wake up covered in sweat.

10/6/09 4:40 am
I just had the dream again, but this time it was different. Every single time I have the dream its the same exact dream but this time it was different. Instead of in a Forest I was in a town. I don't know what town but I was in the middle of the street and it was like the forest except there people all around. I went up to one of them but they couldn't see me or hear me. I got freaked out because I felt like I was invisible like how you feel like how you might think being dead would be like. I turned around right there and, He, was there and I don't know how to get away.

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