(BOOK 3) Chapter 30 - Late night orgasm donor.

Start from the beginning

‘’Where are my things. Where is that jumper and bag I got you?’’ I questioned. I knew he was fighting not to answer me but I get throwing him a list of things that were mine that he had. He finally reacted.

‘’The same place as the LV purse I bought you.’’ No not Lucy. I loved Lucy I even named her that. I enjoyed going shopping and taking Lucy when I paid for things.

‘’If you want that back you better give me back the Jordans I got you.’’ Yeah I didn’t forget about them. I looked down at his feet, he wasn’t wearing them. Good, he would have gone home barefoot.

‘’And I want all those flowers I got you last year.’’ If he wanted to go back to the past I could go back to the past as well.

‘’I want my virginity back then.’’ I snapped.

‘’You can have it back. It wasn’t worth waiting for’’ I shut up like a clam. No, that wasn't the effect it was meant to have. It should have been him that whose breathing had suddenly gone shallow. He should have been the one who was breathing so heavily but suddenly caught hit breath. But it had affected me, and I hated that it clearly showed. He looked away from me and out the window shaking his head. That had really hurt. I wanted to curl up and die right about now.

I couldn’t find anything to say. Instead I retreat to my wardrobe. I could hide my face and try to control the lump that was forming in my throat. I found a jumper to throw on and carried on packing up his things. I hated myself for crying. I was crying so silently that I thought I could get away with it. He refused to look at me anyway. As long as I didn’t sniff then it wouldn't make it obvious. I wiped the last of my short tears. My house was so silent. My mum was at work and Jim was at work as well and Sam was back at Uni.

I had just about got them under control without him realising that I had had an absoluetly stupid meltdown because of one sentence when I sniffed.

I can't belive I sniffed.

It was so quiet but so my house, so the sniff sounded more like a dog barking.

As soon as I sniffed I felt his eyes on me. This wasn’t how this was meant to go. I heard his footsteps move closer. I was fully expecting him to laugh in my face. I swear to God I was prepared to him to lean in and actually laugh right in my face.

I wiped my tears with the end of my jumper. I was so stupid. I had cried in front of him and confirmed that I was still that silly insecure Aaliyah he met 2 and a half years ago, that Aaliyah who hung of every popular Omaris words.

I wasn’t that girl anymore but I was still behaving like a 15 year old.

‘’Are you crying?’’ I shook my head. I wish I was European so at least I could say that it was hay fever. I could just imagine my puffy face with red eyes. I refused to look up at him. I would try to retain some dignity. He placed the box of tissues on the bed.

‘’I’m sorry.’’ He actually sounded apologetic. I sniffed cursing myself and walked out of the room into the toilet. As soon as I closed the door I hit my head and tried to think of something to say to him that would make him reduce to tears too. I washed my face and fanned my eyes then looked back in my mirror, I didn’t look as bad as I did when I first came into here. I filled my lungs with fresh air. I paced in the toilet for a while just trying to calm myself and get my thoughts in order.

I walked back into my room with my head held high ready for another round. I would pack his things and give it to him as fast as I could. It was clear his feelings towards him and even clearer that he had no intentions of ever forgiving me.

I wasn’t even sure if I wanted to be seeking his forgiveness anymore. There was only so many times you could apologise to someone before it became saturated. I peeked a look at him. He was scratching one of his side burns and looking back at me.

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