(BOOK 3) Chapter 18 - Save The Hero

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Didn't I give it all? 
Tried my best 
Gave you everything I had 
Everything and no less 
Didn't I do it right 
Did I let you down? 

Maybe you got too used to 
Oh having me around 
Still how can you walk away 
From all my tears. 
It's gonna be an empty road 
Without me right here 

But go on and take it 
Take it all with you 
Don't look back 
At this crumbling fool 
Just take it all 
With my love 
Take it all


Take It All – Adele (21)

Omari was letting me tastes ecstasy. I looked up and him, I dug my nails deeper and deeper into his back, passion and pain. I breathed in and out but no amount of oxygen seemed to be enough, no matter how hard  I dug into his back or how loud I moaned his name I couldn’t seem to show my appreciation and pleasure enough. And boy did I appreciate Omari right now.

Then he said the weirdest thing. I could of sworn that I hadn’t heard it . Was it just my concise? But when he stopped and looked down at me I looked at him confused, and I knew that what he had said I hadn’t just heard it.

Omari had just asked me if he was better than Luke ?


A couple of days ealier..


¬ Omari


‘’Have you heard of the lemon challenge?’’ I looked at Steven. Honestly was he going to start with more of his stupid videos that he had seen stupid people do on WSSH. I shook my head and waited for him to explain.

‘’Right basically yeah, you get a baby, and a lemon, and you give the baby a lemon and see what happens?’’

‘’We’re not babies Steven ? I know what happens when I put a lemon in my mouth.’’

‘’I know, but does Kara?’’ Steven looked over at Kara playing at the bottom of the Christmas tree that had been discarded with presents as Christmas was 3 days ago ,with one of Nathans puppies. The look he gave her made me laugh, he was staring at her like the Grinch looked at the little girl in that movie.

‘’Common man ! It’ll be jokes !’’

‘’I know, but..’’ The problem was that it was my baby, its was my niece I would have cut the lemon already, but I knew Kara would end up crying when she ate the lemon. Steven looked at me with the biggest smile, and kept nodding over at Kara. This guy was a bad influence.

‘’I’ll cut the lemon.’’ Steven rubbed his hands together and walked to my kitchen when he realised that I wasn’t going to put up a fight about him giving her a lemon.  Mean, what’s the worst that could realistically happen. Really.

He can back with a lemon cut into 4 on a small plate, he called Kara over and she tried to walk over, even tried to balance on the puppy but she kept falling over as she had only recently learnt how to walk, when she finally reached us, she gave me a big smile and I told well done then I picked her up and sat her on my lap.

‘’Do you want a sweetie?’’ He handed her one slice of the lemon and she looked up at me with innocent eyes. She really didn’t really trust Steven after he told her that as stock cube was a sweet when he was babysitting her for me.

‘’You tell her it’s a sweet. She loves you off.’’ Maybe because I'm her dad ? I looked at him confused.

‘’It’s a sweetie Kara.’’ She sniffed it then slowly put it in her mouth, looking at the whole time. I felt so bad, but I was in such a bad mood because of my ‘dad’ this morning, I needed something to cheer me up.

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