Part 1

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"Hi guys it's Johnnie." I started everyone of my videos this way, "So I just wanted to keep you guys updated on the whole moving situation. Anyway I have just moved in with Bryan, at the moment I am enjoying it, but I'm sure that he will drive me nuts soon. Also I wanted to tell you that Kyle David Balls might be moving into the apartment aswell, which I am super pumped about. Anyway see you soon. Stay happy not crappy, life a bitch don't quit and peace out thugpugs."
I turned off my camera and tried to get to sleep. Haha sleep, I don't know the meaning of it. I just kept on tossing and turning thinking about my life and how it all turned out half decent, I mean considering what I used to do to myself.
I have an amazing little family that is growing on youtube and I have one of my best friends living with me, with the other one moving in soon. Life was starting to feel worth living. I finally fell asleep after hours of trying.

*The next day*

I woke to see Bryan jumping around my room screaming "Johnnie you need to get up now! Its almost noon and we have to go and pick up Kyle" I begrudgingly got out of bed and opened my curtains to see the piercing sunlight run through the window. I walked over to my wardrobe and picked out my P!ATD top and my black jeans. I slipped into them and walked into my bathroom. "Urg my hair..." I grabbed my hair brush and straighteners and began to do my hair.
Bryan has been there for me since day one for me, he has always supported me and my channel. He is like my brother and I couldn't ask for a better one.
"Johnnie it's time to go and get Kyle." Bryan shouted up the stairs. "One sec, just doing my make-up." I shouted back down. This literally took me seconds, I had done it that many times. I put my eyeliner down and ran down the stairs to meet Bryan. "Let's go get him then." I said with a massive smile on my face."

So guys this is the first fanfic I have written. I hope you enjoy reading, I'm sorry if its rubbish. Anyway thanks. If you could leave some feed back that would be great. Hope you have a wonderful day.
Chelsea xx

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