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Hey you guys I have two more days till I go back to school, I'm so excited to go back to school on January 6 and when me and my friend Shanyce go back to school we'll make so videos for my YouTube channel and today I'm gonna delete some pictures but I'm gonna post it on my FaceBook first and than delete it because I'm trying to make some space on my phone because whenever there's no space it bugs me a lot so Ya that's why I'm deleting some pictures to have space on my phone so I don't have to worry about it too much and I hope you guys can spend me more questions for my videos with my friend Shanyce and well see if my other friends will join us and yesterday I went to hot topic I got a new 5 Seconds Of Summer top and I will wear my 5SOS and 1D shirt to school and also in the videos and I'm so excited to wear it in school and I also got new tops that I will wear it in school :)

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