All About Me

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I'm Jamie and I'm gonna tell you everything about me here I go: I'm a YouTuber and I sing on YouTube and my YouTube channel is YoGirlJamieKim And I'm Also A TikToker/Muser And My Friend Shanyce and I know it's long anyway , I love hanging out with my friends Shanyce, Renee,, Kelsie , Thalia , Cherry,Raynelle and other friends I have and if you met me in person I'm a very shy girl because I'm not usely use to being around different people because I get a little uncomfortable but minutes later I started getting use to making new friends and hang out with them and I have a puppy name Rosie and she's my favorite puppy that I've ever had and sometimes I'm not a morning person because I get a little grumpy in every mornings because I get very sleepy and couldn't keep my eyes open and my biggest dream is to be a singer and I joined YouTube on November 13 2011 and I started making videos on 2014 when I was a sophomore to 2014 and I'm still making videos until I graduate on 2016

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