You Turned Around and Stole My Heart

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Ally lost count of how many times her body changed direction.

It was a typical weekday at Sonic Boom; the music store Ally Dawson and her father, Lester, ran. Costumers were rushing through the store, scrambling to get the merchandise they needed, or they were rushing to ask the only employee at the time. Ally.

Her father has been off on his hour and a half lunch break since 11 o'clock; It was 12:45. The short breaks she had, she would take a glimpse of the glass door that was the entrance of the store, to see if her dad was entering or near. This time around, she saw a figure, that wasn't her dad.

It was a male. She could tell by the way his biceps stuck out of his arm. He wore loose khaki pants, that fell over his plain white high-tops. His tight white v-neck showed his body figure. He was mysterious, though. He wore a cap and sunglasses. She could see blond bangs stick out from the bill of his hat.

Ally's anxiety gained strength as the figure neared her. Her palms were getting sweaty, as they were holding onto the edge of the checkout desk. She fought the urge to stutter as the male stopped on the other side of the table.

"May I help you?" She asked casually. Her voice wasn't full, but it wasn't noticeably shaky.

He leaned closer, trying not to make himself heard. "I'm looking for a lad named Austin Moon." He had an obvious Irish accent. Ally had perplexed facial expressions as she tried to understand what he had just asked.

"And who are you?" Her tone showed confusion and nervous. Yet, her eyes showed interrogatory intent.

"That's classified," he stated firmly. "I was told Austin was here. We-" he stuttered,"I need to speak to him."

Ally narrowed her eyes. "So there's more of you?" She asked, escalating her voice as she was getting irritated.

"Yes. There are four other lads waiting outside to speak to him. Now, where is he?" He told her sassily; he sounded like a teacher who was responding to a student who had just smarted off.

"He's bringing me lunch in a few minutes. He's my partner, so we're writing at one," she immediately regretted what she had said.

"That's fifteen minutes away," he complained. "Can we all hide somewhere until he gets here?"

Ally then began to make false assumptions; assumptions that she had immediately began to wig out over.

"Oh my gosh, you're a fugitive!" Ally stated freaked. "Someone call the police! This guys a fu-" he placed his hands over her lips. He put his index finger to his lips, attempting to shush her.

"Will you shut up?" His accent was thick as he spoke fast. "I am not a fugitive. I just really do not need to be seen," he told her quietly. "Can I please hide somewhere?" He was begging.

The male moved his hand from her mouth. "Go get your friends and I'll put you somewhere," she told him, putting emphasis on friends. He quickly turned on his heel, running out the door.

When he came back in, four other guys were following him. They all were about the same height; the shortest was at least 5'9, and the tallest was around 5'11. Three out four had brown hair; one had a lighter tone of brown and the other two had the same dark shade. She separated those three out by the style of their hair; one had locks of curls held back by a bandana and cap. The other had straight hair that flowed under his hat. The other had shorter hair on the sides, but she could see his bangs hanging out from the bill.

The last one had a darker tone to his skin. His hair was black. The style was similar to the one with the lighter shade of brown. They were all wearing sunglasses.

They followed her up the stairs to the room Austin and she called "the practice room." It contained a grand piano, two electric guitars, and an acoustic one, in which all her best friend claimed, not to mention the fuse ball table. This is the room she and Austin always wrote in. It's where they did their best brainstorming.

"Okay here are the rules; no touching any of the instruments. Don't play fuse ball, or turning on the television. If you're hungry, you can eat something out of the refrigerator," she turned around to walk back to the door. She pulled herself to a halt and turned her neck to face them. "Oh! There's no sunglasses in the store."

She heard a whistle that was held out until the person was out of breath. She angrily shut the door as she was happy to get that obstacle out of the way.

She clenched her fist together as she saw the long line formed at the counter. She tried to put on her best smile to hide all the irritation that was clawing at her insides.


"Sorry I'm late, Ally. There was a huge line at Mini's," Lester Dawson told his daughter , walking inside. Things had calmed down a little bit, now that people had gone back to their jobs.

Great timing, dad. Ally complained inside her head. There was now only ten people, roughly, inside the store. She moved herself away from the counter, looking out the door , checking to see if her best friend was anywhere near.

"Looking for someone?" Her dad asked intently, as he took Ally's previous position.

"Austin was supposed to be bringing me food, he-" she was interrupted by the door swinging open. In came Austin Moon; holding a bag that contained a cheeseburger and fries just for Ally. He had different intentions in mind, as his face showed wonder.

"Trish.. Told me.. There was," he was trying to catch his breath; he had ran the whole way. ''Someone here to talk to me about a tour?" He sounded unclear as he spoke through gasps. Ally's jaw dropped.

"There's some guys upstairs wanting to talk to you," she stated in awe. "They looked young to be any kind of manger. One wasn't even American."

Austin's eyes widened. They urgently walked up the stairs. As Ally began to open the door, the blond male she had talked to earlier had already opened it, causing the piece of glass and wood to slam into Ally's body, her head taking most of the impact. He peeked through the other side of the door.

"I really don't like you," she told him through her clenched teeth.

"Wait a minute," Austin began, "T-they're One Direction!" he exclaimed as they walked through the door. Ally showed confusion as she took another look at the five lads.

"One Direction?" Ally repeated. The shortest one, with dark-brown, straight hair, walked closer to her.

"Yes. And you still have no idea who we are?" He asked. His voice had a higher key. Ally shook her head. The curly haired male joined him. He took grasp of her palm

"Then I must introduce myself," he began smoothly. "I'm Harry Styles," he shook her hand, looking deeply into her dark eyes. Harry's eyes were a beautiful emerald, that seemed to sparkle from the sunlight that was coming from the window.

Ally and Harry kept a ten second gaze, until Louis budged in, separating their two palms. "And I'm Louis Tomlinson," he spoke cheerfully. The other three guys joined the, from behind. He pointed at the blonde, "Niall Horan, Liam Payne, and Zayn Malik." He went down the line, the last one being the darker haired individual.

"Obviously, this is Austin," Ally pointed at Austin. "And I'm Ally Dawson."

"Such a beautiful name," Harry stated. Ally's cheeks warmed up.

"Shut up, Harry," Louis retorted, hitting him in the chest with the back of his hand. "What were we here for? Oh yes, Austin," he began. "How would you and Ally like to join us on our Take Me Home tour?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2013 ⏰

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