Chapter 4 - The Prince

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I'm sorry for not updating for like...5 days...I guess.
It was New Year's Eve, I actually spent my time with my family.
At the media is Kou's mom and dad ^^

So once again, I'm sorry!
I had an author block (?) too... I was stuck on this chapter for a while.

As an apology I made this chapter with around 2.000+ words! It's longer than usual...
I hope you forgive me...? ; w ;

Oh yeah an important note too...
I'll update once a week from now on.
Well, I have school and...stuffs.
So yeah... ^^;
I apologize //bows.


Sirine of ambulance can be heard from Kou's neighbourhood. Apparently a young man died by a knife stabbed to his heart.

Kou wiped his tears away while staring at the ravenette lifeless bod-- Just kidding.

Kou's mom inhales a deep breath after her husband calms her down. "So? You like my son?" She said in a voice as cold as ice. Ren shivered and nodded his head. Kou's mom unwraps a lollipop and put it in her mouth.

There's a long silence again. Then Kou's mom sighed and put her head on her palms. She then cried in her husband's arm.

"I'LL HAVE NO GRANDCHILD." She sobbed. Kou's dad pats her back gently, knowing what she means. "HAVE FAITH IN ME A LITTLE, MOM."


"But Ishikawa-kun is hot, I have no complains." Kou's mom calmed down and smiles, still in her husband's arms. "I'll keep him alive...for now." She smirked to Ren, which caused him to shivers.

Kou's mouth went agape. "W-WHAT?" Kou banged his hands on the table. "I D-DON'T EVEN L-LIKE HIM!" He shouted while pointing at Ren. "BE THANKFUL THAT A HOTTIE LIKE HIM LIKES YOU, YOU UNGRATEFUL SHIT!" Kou's mom banged her hand on the table, shutting Kou's mouth up.

"Ah but, why my son? What's so good about him?" Kou's mom asked Ren sweetly, making Kou wonders who's her actual son.

"I like everything about him." Ren said proudly with a wide smile, which caused Kou's blush deepened. Kou's mom whistled. "Okay, I approve." Kou's mom shakes Ren's hand, like having a deal to sell her son to him. "D-DAD?!" Kou looks at his dad, desperate for his help.

"I-I'm sorry...K-Kou..." Kou's Dad bowed at his son and shakes Ren's hand too. "NOOO!!!"


I wrapped myself with my blanket in my dark bedroom. They're all demons, I can't trust anyone...even dad betrayed me! I sniffed and cover my ears from the cheers downstairs. Screw you all.


"See you, son-in-law! Feel free to visit moi anytime!!!" Kou's mom waved at Ren while jumping excitedly. "Yes, mother-in-law." Ren bowed while grinning. "DON'T CALL EACH OTHER BY THOSE NAMES." Kou shouted out of embarassment.

"But he IS my son-in-law." Kou's mom slung her arm around Ren's shoulder. "Why don't you lovebirds do goodbye kisses?" Kou's mom winked at Ren. "Ah, but Kou's too shy to do PDA..." Ren and Kou's mom smirked, staring at the flustered male with mischievous looks. "JUST GO HOME ALREADY DAMNIT."


"WAKE THE HELL UP!" Kou's mom shouted in his room. Kou groaned and covers his head with his blanket. A tick mark appears on his mom's forehead. "I SAID WAKE THE HELL UP!!!" She once again shouted and pull the blanket off Kou.


"I'll be off then." Kou puts on his shoes and waves at his mom and dad. Right when he's about to leave, he's greeted with a hug.

I Like You, Damn It! [BxB/Yaoi]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz