Chapter 4: Granting Hatred

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Authors Notes# Please Read!!


Hello! Finally the fourth chapter is out! Summer is almost over and I feel tired… I need to update my other stories… I’m not that excited for school, or starting a new busy schedule when Fall comes… High School isn’t bad as Collage, I can understand because my sister who is in collage is becoming a Coffee addict on her Junior year... and she hates coffee. She doesn’t sleep or eat unless you tell her to got do that stuff. So I’m busy here…

Anyway Please enjoy this New chapter and You’re probably thinking where is this story going? Don’t worry, I’m thinking that as well. Well, enjoy! And please leave comments and opinions.

I do not own D.gray Man except for my OC’s!

Thanks Again!!

                                                                                      CTS T^T


              It was a silent night, sitting near the fireplace with my head resting on His lap. He wrapped a warm towel around me to dry myself from the pouring rain. We sat there peacefully in our home on this dark cold night. He patted my head as He hummed a small tune to me,

              “Are you warm?” He asked, I nodded and looked up at Him. He smiled and continued humming the tune to me.

It was warm… being surrounded by kindness and the one who I can call family. I was happy… really happy… but….

Someone knocked loudly on the door, He got up and walked to the door. I got up and followed Him, the air suddenly felt tight and hard to breathe. A loud knock hit the door again,

“Coming-” before He even touch the door the door shot opened letting in a forceful, chilled wind in to the warmth. A tall man stood there with a dark face, lighting clashed revealing his face. He was the farmer who lived nearby… why was he here? “What are you doing here?” He calmly asked. The farmer didn’t reply, but started to take a step closer to us. We backed away slowly as well, “Um…” then he pointed at me,

“Her…” he spoke quietly. Then he grabbed me by the head and threw me to the ground.

“Sharon!” He yelled, the man pushed Him away and advanced towards me. The farmer grabbed me by the hair and pulled out a knife. My eyes widen, and I began to shake. He put the edge of the knife to my cheek, blood dropped down from my cheek. He lifted the blade above him looked down at me,

“Sharon!” The farmer was shoved back and I fell back on to the ground. He grabbed my arm and pulled me up, “Hurry,” He rushed me to the back of the house. He blocked the door and looked back at me, “Don’t worry, I’ll protect you, Sharon,” I gripped the back of his shirt and nodded.


Allen’s POV

Lavi let out a slow and high whistle as he observed the place,

“What a mess,” He commented,

We stood in a hotel room that was recently attacked by attacked by akumas. The window shattered, the floor covered in ashes. But there were no human remains in this room. I turned to the owner of the hotel,

“Who was staying in this room?” I asked,

“A young girl, about your age… she long black hair with green eyes. She didn’t speak and had strange armor on,” the owner described

My eyes widen,

“Sharon was here?”

“Seems so,” Lavi got up and looked around the place, “But why would Akuma attack her? It too strange to be a coincidence.”

Shadows behind Death (D.gray man Story)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن