Cheerleaders: chapter two

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Chapter Two

I woke up around 8:30. The nurse had come in to change my both of my IV's, and that's what woke me up. My family wasn't at the hospital yet, so I got on my phone. My mom had texted at about 7:45

"Good morning sweetie! Hope you slept well. I have to take your siblings to a birthday party from 9 to 12, so we will come up there around 1 today. You will be having some visitors today around 10, so be prepared! :-) Love u. Xoxo, Mom"

I wonder who is coming to visit me.. The Doctor walked in and told me the therapist will be here soon. They brought me in breakfast, and told me I needed to eat. I hadn't eaten in two days. For once I was actually hungry, and wanted to eat. They gave me eggs, 2 strips of bacon, a bowl of fruit, and some orange juice. I ate all of it except for the bacon, I do not like bacon! The nurse was glad that I ate something. She took the tray away and left. A few minutes later a rather large lady with reddish hair walked in, she introduced herself as Sarah. She told me she was my therapist, and after I left the hospital, I had to see her weekly.

"Okay Peyton, obviously you are here because you tried to commit suicide, and I want to find out why you have been feeling suicidal." she said. It still hasn't quite clicked that I tried to kill myself..

"Okay..." I said to her.

"How long have you been feeling like this?"

"About 5ish months.." I answered.

"Do you know the cause?"

"Well... 2 years ago, when I was 13, my older sister Mackenzie, was hit by a drunk driver, and was instantly killed. We were so close, it killed me inside. I guess after that I just was really depressed. Cheer really took my mind off things, so I never had suicidal thoughts, until recently."

"Why now?" she questioned.

"My dad. He cheated on my mom, and when us kids found out, he left us. With no word of where he was going." I said, trying not to tear up.

"Did you start feeling suicidal after that?"

"Now that I think about it, yeah..." I started to cry..hard. Sarah came over a patted me on the back, she said that she would let me calm down, and she would be back the same time tomorrow. I nodded my head and she left. I couldn't stop crying, I was bawling by this point. All of the sudden, my 7th grade cheer coach, Ms.Connor walked in, along with my 8th grade cheer coach, Ms.Fowler, my 8th grade history teacher, Ms.Golley, AND my 6th grade english teacher, Mrs.Newhouse. All of them whom I was very, very close with. So these are my visitors! I was so happy to see all of them. I wiped my tears off my face and got up out of my bed to give them a hug. I was walking back to my bed to sit down, and my mom called, and told me that she had gotten them all together to come see me. I was so happy! Then, my phone died. I reached down to the ground to plug it in, and as I was coming back up, I hit my head on the desk. I thought I was okay, until I stood completely up, and threw up all over the floor next to me. I pressed the nurses button that was attached to my bed, and the nurse ran in.

"Oh must have been that darn medicine." She said shaking her head. She called in the custodians to clean it up, and they came right in. I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and I threw up another time in the toilet. As I was leaning over the toilet again, Ms.Connor came in and held my hair for me. Something Mackenzie would have done...I was finally through with that, so I brushed my teeth, because that was not a pleasant taste, seeing and tasting my breakfast all over again...and I went back into my room and the nurse directed me to lay down in bed and handed me a cold towel. She told me not to get up until she came back in.

"I am SO sorry you had to see that...after I..." I hesitated. "...took those pills, I passed out, and I hit my head on the counters, and I got a major concussion. I didn't think that if I hit my head, it would affect me like that." They all told me it was okay and not to worry. I still kept apologizing. We were talking and laughing and it really got my mind off things. When all of the sudden, the door opened.. and it wasn't a nurse.. "JAMIE!" I screamed. I got out of bed so fast I probably could have thrown up again. I ran over and hugged her so tightly. She started crying, and so did I. I hadn't seen her since school, 2 days ago. I had missed my best friend so much. We finally stopped hugging, when the nurse walked in.

"Peyton! Get right back in your bed missy. I told you not to get up until I came back in." I jumped right in my bed and gave her an innocent smile.

"Mhm. That's what I thought." She looked me up and down, laughed at me kiddingly, and left. I looked at Jamie and started laughing and wiping my happy tears away. She said she had to use the bathroom, so I secretly got up and peeked into the halls to show her where it was, since she probably wouldn't want to use mine...When it was time for my teachers to go, they all took a picture with me, them sitting next to me in my bed. I kept apologizing to them that they had to see me puke, and cry all in a matter of about twenty minutes. They said their goodbyes and all left, except for Ms.Connor. She told them she would be out in a few. Right when they left the room she pulled me into a tight hug, and started crying. Oh my god...I have only seen her cry once, and it was when her dog died in 7th grade. This time she was crying about me. I couldn't take it, I started crying too.

"I don't know what I would have done if I lost you, Peyton. You're like my little sister, I love you so much." She managed to get out through her tears.

"I love you too..." I said back.

She pulled away and said

"Somehow I feel like this is my fault, I should have been there for you, Pey.." She said.

"I know you didn't ever know that I was suicidal, no one did. Not even Jamie, who I've known since I was four. Don't feel like this is your fault, it's mine. I'm an idiot. I can't believe I tried to kill myself..." There was a silence, we were both thinking.

"You know, I've always thought of you as my older sister, too. Since Mackenzie died 2 summers ago... You've always been their for me. No matter what. And I thank you so much for that." I said, tearing up a little.

She pulled me into another hug and kissed the top of my head. That may sound weird, because she's my former coach and teacher, but she's more than that, she's my older sister. And I don't think of her as one now, she IS my old sister. And I didn't care what anyone else thought.

"Well, I should get going. The others are probably waiting on me outside. When can I come see you again?" She asked.

"Tomorrow? I'm here at least for another week or two...ugh" My head fell.

"Hey, keep your head up! I'll bring something fun for us to do, to keep you entertained. Don't worry."

I laughed "Okay. Works for me! Just text me what time you're coming tomorrow."

"Will do!" She said as she walked out. "Love you, Pey!" She hollered as she walked into the hall.

"Love you too!!" I yelled quickly before the door shut. I got back into bed and Jamie walked back in.

"Hey...where'd they all go?" She looked so confused.

I laughed at her. "They had to leave!" I replied. I grabbed the remote and turned on the tv.

"Jamie! Gossip girl is on!" I yelled at my best friend, this show was our addiction.

"Omg yes!" She jumped in my bed and sat down next to me and we watched gossip girl together for about 2 hours, until I woke up and Jamie was gone, and there was blood all over my bed and in my hair...what happened......

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