No escape

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A cocky smile pulled at the corner of his lips at the sight of me, making my empty stomach churn. Taking a step forward, he extended his hand to me and I had no other choice but to take it, while digging my teeth into my lower lip and drawing blood. The pain was good, though. The pain helped me realise that I was still alive. It helped me feel something -anything. 

Pulling at my hand, Marco forced me to step into him, my knees almost giving in, my chest coliding with his. 

"Nervous, Ms Groves?" He purred into my ear, making my skin crawl. He was standing too close to me.

"Where's Ginger?" The motherfucker smiled again, wider this time.

"Don't worry about it judge. You'll soon be reunited." I prayed to God for that not to mean my bodyguard was already dead. "Now shall we? We wouldn't want to miss the party." I knew he wasn't really expecting an answer from me, but I was still surprised to be dragged out of my cell before I even knew what was going on. 

Three black suited men walked us down the hallway and up a flight of stairs, stopping at the top of the staircase and signaling something to Marco. He nodded in agreement and I held my breath for a moment. I had no fucking idea what they had planned for me, so the slaughter could've started at any moment, including right then and there.

One of the men stepped forward opening a door that seemed to lead outside, while the other two came to stand on either side of us. Marco leaned into me, taking his mouth to my ear for what seemed to be the thousandth time that evening. 

"Don't get any ideas for when we get out, judge. First of all, nobody lives anywhere near this place, so there would be nobody to hear your screams and jump to your rescue. Second of all, don't think for a second that you'd get away from us. We'd catch you, judge, and then there would be consequences to your wreckless actions." My breath caught in my throat, but again, I had nothing to lose anymore. 

"What consequences could there be? You're going to kill me anyway." That superior fucking smirk pulled at his lips as Marco huffed.

"Killing somebody is a form of art, Julia, and I fucking love art. Therefore I would very much enjoy seeing you writhe in agony and I would also have all the means to make you do just that. Just don't provoke me. As long as you behave I promise to make it fast." I swallowed hard, his words now replaying in my head. Whenever I thought I wasn't scared anymore, he said something like this and all the anxiety came back, making my head spin. "Do we have a deal, judge?" I nodded my head at him, my voice entirely useless. "Good girl."

The man who'd opened the door poked his head back inside, nodding and we started moving again. Three black SUVs were being parked by the door, their engines already roaring and I got pulled towards the one in the middle. The night air bit into my skin making me shiver, the imposibly high heeled boots I wore making it impossible for me to walk any faster, not that it mattered. 

Beofore I even got the chace to scan my surroundings, Marco's hands were already pushing me inside the car. I obeyed his silent command, immediately climbing inside the back seat, while pulling at my tight dress. Without bothering to go around the SUV, he simply climbed in next to me, his hand landing onto my thigh and squeezing hard. 

"Don't get any ideas, Julia." He growled, making the little hairs on the nape of my neck stand on end. Trying to ignore his threat, I silently watched out the window, knowing fully well that this was probably the last time I saw the starry, night sky.


The driver pulled up into the club's underground parking lot and Marco opened the door, not letting go of my hand. I followed him out of the car, trying not to trip over my own two feet and break my neck. I wanted to stay alive for as long as possible, even though I knew that wasn't much. 

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