She raised an eyebrow. "Really? they're already thinking of that?" I grimaced "where I come from that would be normal. I guess to normal people it would seem wierd. But yeah, they've been friends since they where twelve and dating since they where fifteen, They have been to hell and back together, and worse." she looks shocked "Wow, not gonna even ask where you're from." I laughed as we walked into our next class, it was with Paul.

"Yeah! At least in the worst subject I have the best teacher!" I smiled and hugged him "Hey Nico, hello Ms. Corz, thank you for not giving me my students back" I smiled.

"We planned stuff, it was actually an exellent use of time" He shook his head "It still shocks me that all thats normal to you, allright take a seat people are coming." I nodded a bye and sat down next to Riddley

"How do you know Mr.Blofis?" she asked clearly confused "Hes my step Uncle" I whispered figuring Percy didnt want any one to know "Dont tell anyone I guess Percy doesnt want it known" She nodded "Ok" I smiled as Paul sarted class

"Hello! We have a new student today, please stand up, say your name, where you came from, and an interesting fact about yourself" I nodded "hello my names Nico Di Angelo, I lived in  lost vegas for a long time before I moved here to Newyork about four years ago, I travel around alot but Newyork is really home. I also speak fluent greek" I flashed Paul a smile at this.

"I still don't get why you needed to kidnap two of my students to prove that" I laughed "Not my fault the teacher cant hold a conversation, either that or I was talking to quickly" I pondered this for a moment "And they where the closest two" Paul raised a brow

"Couldnt you have taken one?" now it was my turn to be incredulous "If I took one and left one, what condition do you think i'd be in?" Paul chuckled "Well done, or in teeny tiny pieces" I raised a hand "Ding, Ding, Ding! we have a winner!" he shook his head.

"Alright Nico sit down, now class, I had hoped to get some books in Greek for you to challenge you knowing  half of you are taking greek. But sadly, the principle said that I could only use them with the upperclassmen because this is and I quote 'English, not some dead language" He ro;led his eyes and I sighed.

I'd have to read English, uhg. He handed out the books, but when it came to me he whispered "Its an English jacket over a greek book" I could have kissed him.

But that would be wierd.

I opened it up and started to read, then I heard a shout behind me "Mr. Blofis, thats kids book is messed up!" it was a snobby lettermen, obviously trying to get me in trouble.

Paul loked confused "Is it? Oh dear, i only have this greek one left, I guess you'll have to make do Mr. Di Angelo, so sorry" I tried hard not to laugh. It was an English book with a greek cover, I shrugged "Its ok, Im done any way" I liked to read, but only if it was in greek.

Other wise I might just set the book on fire, god Annebeth would kill me, I heard Riddley try to stiffle a giggle. When the bell rang I looked and saw I had gym, and it was mixed with senior girls.

Well wasnt that wierd.

I went to the gym, to see Annebeth, Thalia, Piper, Katie and Hazle already there. "Hey guys" I waved heading into the locker room with a bunch of other guys, they waved cheerfully and I went to go get changed.

I had  scars, not like covering me but there was a few that where wierd. As I took my shirt off the room got quite, I turned to see all off the guys staring at me, "Dude what the heck!" One guy suddenly blurted out.

I shrugged and put on a shirt "Now I know you love me, but its kinda weird to stare at a guy while hes trying to change" a few guys blushed and spun rappidly around and a few just snorted.

Percy jackson surviving high schoolWhere stories live. Discover now