Chapter 22. Gradutaion + Surprise from Authour

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Special announcement/ surprise: I am so sorry but there won't be a second one but!!!!!... so because this book is near the end :'( I have made a new book :0 yayy!! I have just published it and  I hope you read it, if you liked this book then I grantee you will like my other book :P


"Bye, I had the best night" Jayden says as he kisses me and then walks off

Last night was indeed the best night of my life, after what we did we just slept and then in the morning we ate breakfast and he dropped me back home

I nod my head and close the door

Last night re played in my head, I bite my lip and smirk then turn around

I look to find Kayla smirking with her arms folded and Cailin grinning so big like cherisher car, I smile

"Oh my god you did!" Cailin says and gives Kayla $50 dollars

"I told you" Kayla says, I laugh

"You guys bet on it?" I laugh and they nod

"How was it, did it hurt, oh honey was it bad?" Kayla asks, and Cailin giggles

"It- it was amazing! Best night of my life" I smile remembering last night, Kayla smirks as does Cailin

"Tell me all!" Kayla says and I shake my head

"My lips are sealed" I laugh and Kayla huffs. "Come on let's go watch a movie"


"Argh look, these graduation robes make me look fat" Kayla huffs

Normally, when your pregnet, the school doesn't let you graduate, but with a lot of convincing, the school let Kayla graduate, which Kayla was very thankful for

"You don't even look pregnet , it look like a little belly, so just calm" Cailin tells Kayla, Kayla rolls her eyes and starts to straighten her hair

"Omg 20 minutes until we are officially graduated" I say looking at my phone, Cailin squeals while Kayla smiles

I put on my robes and straighten my hair, Kayla straightened my hair and did some light makeup, I felt happy, I felt happy that I made it, with my best friends and Jayden

I open up my front door to see Jayden smirking at me

"You look beautiful" he says grabbing my ass, I look at him and shake my head then peck his lips

Lachlan Hart comes and picks Kayla up and Sam picks Cailin up

Graduation went great, we all grated, Cailin was grinning big as she graduated, it was also cute when Sam came and kissed her after she graduated on the stage

"We did it" Kayla says, Cailin and I smile and then we all join in on a hug

"Hey why don't we go out and celebrate" Sam suggests, we nod our heads

"Wait! We will be 5 minutes!" I say and grab Kayla and Cailin, they look at me confused

"Where are we going?" Cailin asks as I pull them into the school

"We forgot to do something" I say

I go to the place where we always sit, which was the table, I grab a knife out of my pocket

"Caroline!" Cailin shrieks at the sight of the knife

I laugh and start to carve my name on the table , Cailin grabs the knife and carves her initials and then Kayla carves her initials and a quote

' C.J + C. C + K. T

                   Forever and always, your high school queens '

We laugh at the saying Kayla put in

"I love you, losers"Kayla says as her eyes water up , Cailin cries and hugs us.


So omg I can't believe this book is coming to an end :0

Make sure to read my new book that will be coming out soon :P make sure to follow me so you can get an update of when it comes out

Anyways I want to thank you all for commenting and voting and actually reading my book, it means so much to me

So there will be an epilogue but it will be like 10 or 20 years later. How does that sound? Yay or nah?

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