The Maze

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Newt showed me all the jobs but he said he had one more to tell Me about at the end. He showed me the blood house, med Jacks, builders, and a few more I can't remember. (Comment what they are I don't remember please help me out here) and he introduced me to many people. I became friends with a few in certain. Winston, Frypan, Newt, Alby, and Gally not so much.

He was showing me the final Job place but first he explained the maze. As soon as he told me bout the runners I wanted to be one.

A guy had just came out of the maze and came to stop by newt and greenie little me to say hi and meet me. I said hello and then next thing you know Ben was a close friend too. I mean he was really nice and didnt objectify me like most others. I looked at newt and sadly said "do you remember you know your family and stuff."

"No not one bloody bit" he replied emotionless.

"Then how come I do all I remember is my family and name and my personal life. Does that mean something bad? Newt I miss them. Only who I met today are all I have. But you the most. Your my new brother. You kinda look like him to. I miss the-"

I was bumped into and I fell on the floor a adorable Asian guy on top of me and he was smiling. Newt laughed "hey Minho this is the new greenie she's a sass like you. Alby and I say you got some competition. Oh and she threatens to put a bullet in ably head too." Newt said in full amusement.

Minho laughed and replied "not ever gonna be as good as me here. Greenie what's your na-"

"Ya greenie what's you name?" Newt cut into minho sentence.

I SAID NOT SCARED TO HESSATATE A BIT. MINHO PUT A HAND OUT TO HELP ME UP AND I SIMPLY SLAPPED IT AWAY. "you know just cuz I'm a girl doesn't mean I can't help myself up. I'd last just as long as you in that maze."

"Well she's got sass alright" minho said flashing me a smile before running off.

"Well get your stuff and go to your "private room" to wash up for the bonefire." Newt said and left me alone. I got up and walked into my room that newt had previously pointed me towards.

Acts Like A Shuck Boy (THE MAZE RUNNER MINHO FANFICTION) IN EDITING/EXTENTIONWhere stories live. Discover now