"Am I an option for you, Mori-kun~?"

"N-Naomi! What on earth a---"

"I'm kidding, I'm kidding, I'm kidding!" Naomi giggled. "You should've seen your face---"

"I'll just... go," Konimi said quietly, interrupting us both. "Mitsuka-san called me earlier."

I looked at her for a moment as she left, then turned to Naomi.

"Look, I'm really glad you're back and all, but I don't think this is the best time for you to show up," I sighed.

"Morisuke... it's not like I wanted to leave, you know?" Naomi pursed her lips. "I had no choice. I'm sorry that I---"

I ran my fingers through my hair and let out a sigh. "I don't have time for this... I have a lot to do today."

Did you just lie, Morisuke?!


"We can hang out another time, okay? I really need to---"


I didn't need to turn my head to know who was speaking.

"Mitsuka-san invited you to have breakfast with us."

I sent Konimi a pleading look.

You can't be serious.

Naomi chuckled softly. "You don't have to call me Suzuki, just call me Naomi---any friend of Mori-kun is easily mine as well!"

Konimi merely shrugged, in the process ignoring my expression.

"I haven't seen your mother in ages, either, huh, Mori-kun?"

"I wonder whose fault that was," I muttered under my breath, then shook my head. "Well, looks like you're staying, anyway, Naomi..."

She shook her head, giving me a small smile. "I already had breakfast. Sorry for bothering you, Morisuke... tell your mother I said thank you, okay~?"

I was relieved she wasn't staying, yet at the same time, I knew she was hurt that I didn't want to spend time with her. She was well aware that I wasn't really busy.


"I'll stop by again soon, Mori-kun~! Take care, will you?"

My eyes widened as she gave me a quick peck on the cheek.

"H-hey! What was that---"

Naomi giggled. "Don't tell me you've forgotten? I always do that, silly!"

My jaw dropped.

....but I'm pretty sure I'd remember if she did.


My hand flew to my cheek as I felt myself turn a deep shade of red.

Just how reckless has that girl gotten?!

I closed the door and turned around.

Konimi was still there.

"Sorry about that," I muttered, looking away. "She's always been a handful."

The blonde made no comment as she turned to head back to the kitchen. "Breakfast is ready," she said monotonously. "You can go wake up your sister."

I groaned internally. How am I supposed to find out what's bothering her if she refuses to open up?

Dang it, Morisuke, you overstepped your boundaries last night and now she probably hates you!

"K-Konimi-san, wait!"

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