We saw him pulling out of the parking lot and thought now would be a good time to walk in front of his car.

Walking out with our hands up, signaling him to stop, he slammed on his breaks just barely missing us.

"Brit!?" I heard him yell, and by now cars were honking from behind him.

I heard quick footsteps coming toward us and saw it was Scott, but before I could say anything my legs gave out from under me as Derek collapsed onto the ground, pulling me with him.

I landed half way on Derek but my head ended up hitting the ground.

"What the hell?" I heard Stiles say before he closed his car door.

"Derek, what the hell are you doing here?" Scott asked "Brit are you alright?"

"Just peachy." I said trying to be sassy but it came out hoarse.

"I was shot." Derek said

"A silver bullet?" Stiles asks. He is way too excited about that.

"No, you idiot." I gritted out as another wave of pain came across my arm. When I looked at Derek I saw him biting his lip.

"That's what she meant when she said 48 hours." Scott said like he connected the dots.

"Who said that?" Derek asks

"The woman who shot you."

I sat up slowly and looked over at Derek seeing his eyes starting to flash blue and I could feel my eyes doing it too.

"Derek! Brit! Stop that!" Scott hissed

"That's what I've been trying to tell you. I can't and that means neither can she." He said while looking at me.

He looked like shit, and now I can only imagine what I look like.

"Brit, you look terrible. Like, really bad." Stiles said

"That's what every girl loves to hear Stilinski." I breathed

"Guys, we need to move you. Here come Allison and Jackson." Stiles said

"Stiles help me get them into your jeep." Scott snapped while grabbing my hand and pulling me into his side and helping me into the back of the car. He had to lift me a little and while his hands  were on my hips I heard a growl and looked back at Derek and have him, what I hoped, was a reassuring smile.

"Why do I get stuck with him." Stiles groaned

"Stiles now is not the time!" Scott snapped

"You need to get the bullet Scott." I whispered

"How am I supposed to find it?"

"She's with them. You'll find it." Derek snapped

"Stiles, get them out of here." Scott said slamming the door

"I'm so going to kill you for this." He grumbled and pealed out down the road before anyone could ask questions.

A little while later we were driving down a road and Stiles looked set on a destination. We stopped at a red light when I looked at Stiles.

"Will you text him and see if he has found it yet?" I asked while sticking my head forward between the seats. I just happened to look at myself in the mirror and I actually cringed. I was getting worse and worse.

My face was getting paler, if that was possible and I was starting to feel more light headed and dizzy by the minute. So I decide to lay down in the back using a sweatshirt I found on the floor as a pillow.

He is my other half (O.H)Where stories live. Discover now