Chapter Twelve

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I heard a knock at the door. I opened it and there stood Eponine. No one said a word. I was cought off guard then remembered her things here. I opened the door wider to let her come in.

She quickly walked in and I stood by the door until she left. I was still burning with anger, so I did not apologize. Before she left she stood by the door looking at me, waiting for an apology. I just motioned her out and closed the door behind her. I could tell she was still standing outside the door, then I saw the shadow finally leave.

I sat down to eat lunch when I heard another knock at the door. I got up and opened it and Eponine stormed in and turned around to look me in the eyes. 

"Don't talk, just listen." She yelled. She pointed her finger at me. "I did nothing to deserve all those terrible things you said to me. You embarressed me in front of all those people including my friends. I have thought this over and when you want to apologize, I will forgive you because that's the right thing to do. I don't know what you were so angry at, but I can help you if you just ask. Until you apologize, I don't want to see you." I lowered my head. "No! Don't speak!" She yelled. "Once again, thank you for everything. I hope I see you at the cafe tonight. Goodbye." Then she walked out. 

I just rolled my eyes and slammed the door. I sat down and heard another knock at the door ten minutes later. I hoped it wasn't Eponine to tell me off again. I opened the door to see Grantaire, still holding a bottle of wine. 

"What do you want?" I sternly asked. 

"What's wrong with you lately? You have been acting so weird ever since Eponine got here. You have been bi-polar and the boys and I are tired of it." 

"So they sent you to consult me? How smart." I said and sat back down on the couch. 

"Listen here. You need to get over yourself and realize there are other people in the world that have feelings. What you said to Eponine was stupid and you over reacted. I can't belive she would ever have those feelings towards you. But boy was she brave to say them considering you have never had a girlfriend." 

"Me not having a girlfriend is my own decision. You not having a girlfriend is because no girl has ever liked you." 

"See, it's the jerkish comments you make like that. You don't think I notice girls don't like me?" 

"Well, maybe they would if you would clean up and stop drinking so much. It's like you are drinking your problems away." 

"Have you ever sat down to think that maybe I am drinking my problems away? I bet not, because you care about no one but yourself." Grantaire said. 

"Drinking is no solution, and you of all people should have realized that. Grantaire, you have no excuse for your bad habits. It's your own fault you act so immature, you are the one causing it. You would never have a chance with Eponine, no matter how angry I am with her right now, she still deserves better than you. I cannot believe I did not realize she was lying when she said she liked you. You are just a dirty drunk and none of the guys want you around anyways, so why don't you just go find some other washed up drunks to be friends with?" After I said this, tears boiled up in his eyes. His teeth clenched and he let a tear escape.

"Don't talk to me that way. Don't you ever talk to anyone that way. Soon you are going to find yourself with no friends, and I won't be there to help you. I have tried to get better, but it's difficult when no one is there to support you. You are not angry with her, you are angry with yourself. You are afraid of falling in love, because you don't want to mess up. You don't know how to take care of another person. You don't know how to be in a relationship. You don't know how to focus your life on more than one thing. But you need to understand that you can't blame your problems on other people. You don't know how to admit you have an issue and let somone help you deal with it, or even deal with it by yourself. Eponine did nothing to you and you know it. Stop thinking so much about yourself and your perfect grades, and try and be happy. I will try and get better, but not for you, for everyone else. Until you change yourself for good, you mean nothing to me. You have had enough alone time to think over your actions, and you still decide to act this way. Don't talk to me, and definitely don't talk to Eponine until you apologize." 

"I will consider an apology when you apologize." 

"Then I am sorry for ruining your days spent with me because of my habits." 

"Thank you." I said. 

Grantaire walked out the door and slammed it shut. I saw he had left his bottle. Couldn't have been purposly so out of anger I threw it across the room and watched it shatter on the wall. Then I sat back down and thought of all the things he had said to me. He made me understand why I did all those awful things. He knew more about what was going on in my mind than I did. All I wanted to do was thank him, but I couldn't. I felt so embarressed. How will I ever apologize? Thank God Eponine is willing to forgive me, but I can't explain to her why I did all those things. I can't explain to anyone. 

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